Robert Hansel

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Robert Hänsel (born August 17, 1884 in Lobenstein , Principality of Reuss jL, today Thuringia, † December 21, 1962 in Schleiz ) was a German teacher, historian and archivist.

Life and achievement

Robert Hansel was the third of ten children of the princely copyist Julius Robert and Anna L. Hansel, nee. Rabish. Visit of the Prince Teachers' seminar in Schleiz from 1898 - 1904. First position as teacher in Triebes (today Zeulenroda ). Then technical training and from 1909 employment as a trade teacher in Gnesen in Posen / German Empire (today Poland). In the same year she married Anna Elisabeth Zeidler, daughter of the Schleiz city treasurer. The marriage remained childless. During the First World War, he was seriously wounded in the Battle of Tannenberg on August 28, 1914. Despite numerous facial operations, he remained so disfigured that after the First World War he was awarded a 70% reduction in work and a "mutilation allowance". In 1919 he was appointed to the commercial advanced training school in Bitterfeld and in 1922 entrusted with setting up and running the Schleiz vocational school. From 1928 in succession to senior teacher Pasoldt Schleizer city archivist and administrator of the Princely House Archives and the castle libraries of Schleiz (50,000 volumes), from 1940 also of Osterstein in Gera (60,000 volumes) and Ebersdorf (10,000 volumes). In 1925 he was a co-founder of the local history museum "Oberland" in Schleiz Castle. In the same year he founded the homonymous magazine "Oberland", whose editor he remained until 1931. As the successor to the Schleiz district pastor Heinrich Meyer, he took over the chairmanship of the “Geschichts- und Altertumsforschenden Verein Schleiz” (today “Geschichts- und Heimatverein zu Schleiz eV”) from 1931, where he held this office until the association was dissolved in 1945. On April 8, 1945 Schleiz Castle and with it a significant part of his life's work was destroyed. In 1947 he was entrusted with the organization of the Schleiz City Archives. He became a co-founder of the local magazine “Oberlandbote”, chairman of the “Active for Monument Preservation and Museum” and chairman of the Burgk Castle Museum Advisory Board . From 1952 to 1956 he was head of the Schleiz City Library . In addition, he worked as a lecturer at the district adult education center and reported on his research on local history in numerous lectures. He was a member of the Vogtland Antiquities Research Association in Hohenleuben . In the course of his life he has published a wealth of works, partly in the form of books, but also as articles in various magazines. He died on December 21, 1962 in Schleiz, where his simple grave can still be found today in the mountain cemetery.

At the end of his life, his collection of publications and Russian literature comprised 2,000 volumes as well as archival materials, which are now owned by the Burgk Castle Museum as the so-called “Hansel Library” .


  • A deserving Vogtland nobleman in the German order country (Job von Dorbenck). - Zeulenroda 1917
  • The history of the Triebig mill or butter mill at Seubtendorf, R. j. L .. - Lobenstein 1918, Fröb
  • The craftsman in the vernacular. - 1918
  • The Lobenstein newspaper industry. - 1918
  • The annexation of our Reussland to a neighboring state. - 1919
  • Legends from the Lobensteiner Oberland. - Lobenstein 1920, Froeb
  • The red-backed killer from Eliasbrunn. - Lobenstein 1920, Froeb
  • Blankenstein-Rosenthal on the Saale. - Lobenstein 1921, pond in Komm.
  • On the history of Rodacherbrunn. - Lobenstein 1921
  • The Reich Insurance Code. - Breslau 1922, Priebatsch's Verl.
  • The most interesting facts from legal studies for the theoretical journeyman's examination. - Breslau 1922, Priebatsch's Verl.
  • History of timber rafting on the upper Saale and Elster. - Zeulenroda 1924
  • Reichenfels Castle: Brief History of the Castle u. little guide through d. Collection d. Vogtl. Antiquities Association. - Drive 1924, Unbelief drive
  • Famous and noteworthy Schleizer in brief outline of life. - Schleiz 1925, self-published
  • Glassworks in the Russian Oberland. - Schleiz 1925, publishing house "Oberland"
  • The brewing industry in the town of Lobenstein. - Schleiz 1925, self-published
  • The Saaltalsperre and history d. in the reservoir disappearing places u. Settlements. - Schleiz 1926, Association f. Folklore u. Home care in the reuss. Oberland e. V.
  • The Schleiz Bakers' Guild (1726 - 1926). - Schleiz 1926, E. Hoffmann
  • The town of Schleiz in the war and post-war period 1914-1923. - Schleiz 1927, W. Krämer
  • (Together with Gustav Kühn) The court pharmacy in Schleiz. - Schleiz 1927, self-published
  • Weida at the time of the bailiffs with 1 document copy. im Manualdr .. - Weida 1929, Thomas & Hubert
  • On the history of papermaking in the Reussian Vogtland. - 1929, in: Vogtland Yearbook. Vol. 7-1929, 26-28
  • The town piper and the town chapel in Lobenstein. - Lobenstein 1929, Landeszeitung fd Ostthür. Oberland
  • The stone of praise. - Lobenstein 1929, Jos. Zlatnik
  • The reconstruction of the town hall in Schleiz 1879-1880. - 1929, in: "Reussischer Erzähler", Beil. d. "Schleizer Zeitung" 10-13 (1929)
  • Dr. Berthold Schmidt: a picture of his life and work - presented by the history and antiquity research association in Schleiz. - Schleiz 1930
  • Saalburg citizen directories from 1594 and 1759. - 1930, in: Reussischer Erzähler, supplement to Schleizer Zeitung 16 (1930), 6
  • A citizen directory of Tanna (Schleiz district) from the year 1595. - 1931, in: Hirschberger Nachrichten 75 (1931)
  • The Saale dam, the largest dam in Germany. Schleiz 1932, self-published
  • Tanna Citizens Directory. - 1932, in: Festgabe for the 700th anniversary of the city of Tanna, Tanna 1932
  • The city of Schleiz. A short monograph. For the 700th anniversary of its first documentary mention as a festschrift. - Schleiz 1932, Kuppe, Reitzenstein u. Helmrich
  • The Schleizer Bürgerbuch (1648–1700). - 1932/33, in: Ekkehard. Association announcements 8/9 (1932/33), 48; 73-74; 91-92; 113; 133; 150-151
  • 600 years of Oberböhmsdorf. - Schleiz 1933, E. Hoffmann
  • 400 years of farm ownership. - Schleiz 1934
  • The Giegling family in Schleiz. - Schleiz 1934, Hoffmann
  • Fight and victory of the NSDAP in Schleiz. - Schleiz 1934, W. Kraemer
  • Triebeser civic directories of the 16th and 17th centuries. - 1935, in: Aus der Heimat, supplement to Triebeser Zeitung 5 (1935)
  • A Schleizer Bürgerverzeichnis from 1561. - 1935, in: Reussischer Erzähler, supplement to Schleizer Zeitung (1935), 5 f.
  • The oldest citizen directory of Saalburg 1547. - 1936, in: Reussischer Erzähler, supplement to Schleizer Zeitung 22 (1936), 6–7
  • Teutonic Knights in Thuringia and East Prussia. - Langensalza 1938, J. Beltz
  • Reussian Genealogy: Supplements a. Corrections using the records left by Berthold Schmidt, etc. with your own contributions. - Jena 1940, fisherman
  • The Triebes and Leuba as Floßbach and the Zeulenrodaer "Floßkrieg". - Zeulenroda 1940, Oberreuter
  • Burgk Castle and the Burghammer on the upper Saale. - Jena 1941, Fischer
  • 125 years of Gottfried Piegler . - Schleiz 1943, unpublished. Manuscript, Schleiz Archive
  • A letter from Alexander von Humboldt to Schleiz. For his 175th birthday. - 1944, in: Schleizer Zeitung No. 219 of September 18, 1944
  • Regesta from sources on the town and family history of Schleiz 1551-1597. - Zeulenroda 1942, Oberreuter
  • (Together with Robert Jakob) Greiz, Schleiz, Lobenstein. - Elsterberg 1948, Jakob
  • Buchdruckerei Arthur Goehring Nachf., Franz Wirth. - Lobenstein 1948, Wirth
  • Luhmstäner and Schläzer stories. - Schleiz 1950
  • The popular movements 1525-1849 in the Schleiz and Lobenstein districts. - Schleiz 1954, Councilor d. District, Dept. of Culture
  • Schleiz, Ziegenrück, Saalburg. Leipzig 1956, VEB Bibliograph. Inst.
  • Schleizer mills. - 1958, in: Thuringian homeland. Vol. 3, No. 2, 109-116


  • Association for Vogtland History, Folklore and Regional Studies eV (Ed.): Famous Vogtlanders. B. 1. Plauen 1997. p. 41.
  • Scheffler, Ina: Robert Hänsel (1884-1962). - 1993, in: Heimatjahrbuch des Schleiz district (1994), 4-5, Schleiz 1993, Schleiz district administration

Individual evidence

  1. Günter Sagan (Ed.): East Thuringia in the bombing war 1939-1945 . M. Imhof, Petersberg 2013, ISBN 978-3-86568-636-7 , p. 150-157 .