Robert Johnson (Spy)

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Small inquiry from the Swiss politician Alfred Rasser (1969)

Robert Lee Johnson ( 1922 - May 18, 1972 in Kelly Township, Union County, Pennsylvania) was an American spy.


Robert Johnson was stationed as a sergeant in Berlin when he made contact with the Soviet side for the first time in 1953 with the help of his Viennese friend Hedwig Pipek. Later he was a member of the security team at the courier station at Paris-Orly airport and disclosed the secret military documents there.

According to a report by the news magazine Der Spiegel from September 1969, these documents also included the so-called Operation Plan 10-1 of the Support Operation Task Force Europe (SOTFE). This plan, developed in the early 1960s, saw the deployment of commando troops and then guerrilla units not only in West and East Germany, but also in Poland , Czechoslovakia , Hungary , Romania , Bulgaria as part of covert warfare in the event of a Soviet invasion of West Germany and the Soviet Unionin front. The use of atomic, chemical and biological weapons was also considered. These plans are said to have been abandoned after Johnson's betrayal became known.

He was stabbed to death by his own son while visiting prison.


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