Robert Judet

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Robert Judet (born September 17, 1909 in Paris , † December 20, 1980 in Paris ) was a French orthopedist and surgeon.


Robert Judet was the son of the orthopedic surgeon Henri Judet. Robert Judet attended the Lycée Montaigne (Paris) and the Lycée Louis-le-Grand . After studying and training in surgery in Paris, he turned to orthopedic surgery with Paul Mathieu at the Hôpital Cochin . His doctoral thesis, written there (1937), dealt 166 pages with clubfoot in adults. The western campaign of the Wehrmacht interrupted his work as a senior physician in the Cochin. As the only surgeon in the French armed forces , he received both war crosses (1940, 1944). In September 1940 he resumed the part-time work he had begun in 1938 at the Anatomical Theater in rue du Fer-à-Moulin. At that time France only had a handful of orthopedic surgeons: five in Paris (Kirmisson, Ombredanne, Boppe, Ducroquet, H. Judet), one in Brest (E. Pouliquen) and two in Berck (Calot, Menard). The French Society for Orthopedics and Traumatology only had a few dozen members. Orthopedics was a minor minor in surgery. That is why Robert Judet went back to his teacher Houdard at the Hôpital Tenon in 1943 . During the German occupation of France in World War II , he was involved in the Resistance . In October 1944 he enlisted in the 1st Army (France 1944-45) under Jean de Lattre de Tassigny .

"Médecin, père de famille nombreuse qui a rallié la Resistance en 1942. Remarquable d'enthousiasme patriotique, assuré des missions de liaison des plus dangereuses. A rendu des services particulièrement importants par l'apport de renseignements précis sur l'organization ennemie. A accueilli et aidé des patriotes blessés traqués par la Gestapo. Arrêté en mars 1944, a été relâché faute de preuves et a repris aussitôt son activité. A participé aux combats de la Liberation les armes à la main et, au cours des opérations, a donné des soins aux blessés sous le feu de l'ennemi. A contracté un engagement volontaire au titre de la I re armée et s'est distingué en maintes circonstances par son courage et son allant. Magnifique patriote qui a servi avec honneur et dignité jusqu'à la victoire. "

- To the Knight's Cross of the Legion of Honor

Judet devoted himself to the surgical treatment of pseudarthroses , bone infections and pelvic fractures and the elongation of the quadriceps femoris muscle . He became known worldwide for endoprostheses of the hip joint. With his brother Jean Judet, he designed an acrylic replacement for the femoral head as early as 1946 . When he was appointed chirurgien des hôpitaux de Paris in May 1947 , President Vincent Auriol congratulated him . Not discouraged by the failures caused by abrasion , he and his son Thierry Judet developed a cementless hip replacement in 1971. In 1975 he presented the results in 828 patients. In 1956 he became Chef de Service at the Hôpital Raymond-Poincaré in Garches . In 1963 he was appointed professor of orthopedics and traumatology. He was married to Christiane Jeanperrin from Alsace. The marriage resulted in six daughters and two sons.


  • Corresponding member of the British Orthopedic Association
  • Member of the American Orthopedic Association
  • Member of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons


See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Who's Who in Orthopedics (Springer)
  2. ^ Obituary in Le Monde