Robert Kauer (lawyer)

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Robert Kauer (born May 13, 1901 in Vienna , † June 26, 1953 ibid) was an Austrian lawyer, National Socialist and judge of the Reich judge .


Kauer's father was the classical philologist and section head Robert Kauer (1868–1930). From 1919 to 1923 he worked at the Allgemeine Österreichische Boden-Credit-Anstalt . In 1926 he joined the Greater German People's Party , of which he was a member until 1933. In 1928 he started the judicial preparatory service and in mid-July 1929 he was taken on as a judge. On April 20, 1931 he became public prosecutor in status group I of the Vienna II public prosecutor's office. From 1931 he was chairman of the NSBO cell in the court . In 1932 he became a member of the NSDAP (membership number 1.084.692) and the NSRB . From 1933 on, he supported the criminal defense of National Socialists. In June 1933, in the course of his marriage, he converted from the Roman Catholic denomination to the Evangelical Lutheran denomination. Because of political unreliability, Kauer was transferred to the public prosecutor's office at the Vienna Youth Court in October 1933. In February 1934 he took part in the fighting for the Ottakring workers' home . In 1934 he refused to join the Fatherland Front . In 1935 he began to publish against the " corporate state " with the help of the German Foreign Office . In 1936 he was held in custody for high treason and sentenced to 43 days' arrest and expelled from civil service. Then he was at the Ev. Volkshochschule active in Vienna. From 1936 on he was on the investigation and mediation committee of the NSDAP regional leadership in Austria. His application to join the Fatherland Front in October 1937, which was also possible for the National Socialists from 1937 onwards, was rejected. After the " Anschluss of Austria " in 1938, he was reinstated in the civil service. Minister of Education Oswald Menghin appointed him in March 1938 as acting president of the upper church council of the two Protestant churches (AB and HB) . Kauer is known for his welcoming telegram to Hitler:

“On behalf of the more than 330,000 Protestant Germans in Austria, I welcome you to Austrian soil. After a suppression that revived the most terrible times of the Counter Reformation, you come here as a savior from five years of dire hardship of all Germans regardless of belief. God bless your way through this German country, your homeland! "

- Robert Kauer, Wiener Zeitung of March 15, 1938.

Kauer was one of the founders of the Institute for Researching and Eliminating the Jewish Influence on German Church Life and supported the Godesberg Declaration:

"The struggle of National Socialism against any claim to political power by the churches, its struggle for a worldview appropriate to the German people, are, from the ideological and political side, the continuation and completion of the work that the German reformer Martin Luther began"

- Robert Kauer

With the “Law on the Legal Status of the Evangelical Upper Church Council in Vienna” of May 10, 1939, the Upper Church Council was repealed as a state authority and Robert Kauer resigned as a result of this law. From mid-April to November 1939 he was assigned to the Reich Attorney General. In part-time he was a member of the committees for the approximation of criminal law and juvenile criminal law at the Academy for German Law . In October 1939 he was promoted to senior public prosecutor at the public prosecutor's office at the Vienna Higher Regional Court. In 1943 he came to the Reichsgericht. He was active in the fourth criminal senate. During the Second World War , he was drafted into the Air Force in the summer of 1944 . In 1945 Kauer was a district judge in Silz . From 1946 to 1948 he was in custody in Vienna. He left the employment relationship with the Republic without any pension entitlements. In 1949 he became a lawyer in Vienna. The benefit from the benefit of Kauer's widow, which was granted in 1954 through the intervention of VdU MP Helfried Pfeifer , was revoked in 1957.



Individual evidence

  1. Andreas Oberlerchner: Evangelical Church in Austria during the Nazi era, diploma thesis Vienna 2009, p. 33 ( PDF )
  2. cit. According to Andreas Oberlerchner: Evangelical Church in Austria during the Nazi era, diploma thesis Vienna 2009, p. 33.
  3. ^ A b Ernst Klee: Das Personenlexikon zum Third Reich , Frankfurt 2007, p. 300; Complete text by Renate Meurer, Reinhard Meurer: Texts of National Socialism. Examples, analyzes, suggestions for work. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag , Munich 1982 ISBN 3486840614 pp. 41–45