Carsten Nicolaisen

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Carsten Nicolaisen (born April 4, 1934 in Hamburg ; † April 12, 2017 ) was a German Protestant theologian and church historian who dealt in particular with the era of National Socialism.


Nicolaisen studied Protestant theology, German, philosophy and education in Göttingen and Hamburg. During his studies he joined the Göttingen Wingolf . In 1966 he received his doctorate in Hamburg under Georg Kretschmar . In 1967 he followed his doctoral supervisor to the Evangelical Theological Faculty of the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich , where he initially worked as a research assistant, then as an academic adviser and since 1993 as an academic director. The appointment as honorary professor followed . In 1999 he retired.

From 1967 to 1999 Nicolaisen was also managing director and head of the research center of the EKD founded "Commission for the History of the Church Struggle in the National Socialist Era", which has been active since 1971 under the name of the Evangelical Working Group for Contemporary Church History . From 2000 to 2003 he was chairman of this working group.

Works (selection)

  • Editor (with Heinz Boberach and Ruth Pabst): Handbook of the German Protestant Churches 1918 to 1949. Organs - Offices - Associations - Persons . Vol. 1: Supraregional institutions, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010, ISBN 978-3-525-55784-6 .
  • Editor (with Gertraud Grünzinger): Documents on Church Policy of the Third Reich , Vol. I – V, Gütersloh 1971–2008.
  • The way to Barmen. The genesis of the Theological Declaration of 1934 . Neukirchen-Vluyn 1985, ISBN 978-3-7887-0743-9 .
  • The disputes over the Old Testament in the church struggle 1933–1945 . Diss., Hamburg 1966.


  • Joachim Mehlhausen (Ed.): "... and beyond Barmen". Studies on contemporary church history. Festschrift for Carsten Nicolaisen on April 4, 1994 . Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1995, ISBN 978-3-525-55723-5 .

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