Robert N. McGarvey

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Robert Neill McGarvey (born August 14, 1888 in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , †  June 28, 1952 ) was an American politician . Between 1947 and 1949 he represented the state of Pennsylvania in the US House of Representatives .


Robert McGarvey attended the common schools and then the Business College of the University of Pennsylvania . In the following years he worked in the telegraph service and as head of a news office. He has been in the investment industry since 1922. Politically, he became a member of the Republican Party .

In the 1946 congressional election , McGarvey was elected to the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC , in the second constituency of Pennsylvania , where he succeeded Democrat William T. Granahan on January 3, 1947 . Since he lost to Granahan in 1948 and Granahan regained his old mandate, he was only able to complete one term in Congress until January 3, 1949 . This was shaped by the events of the beginning Cold War .

After serving in the US House of Representatives, Robert McGarvey returned to the investment industry. He died in Philadelphia on June 28, 1952.

Web links

  • Robert N. McGarvey in the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress (English)
predecessor Office successor
William T. Granahan United States House Representative for Pennsylvania (3rd constituency)
January 3, 1947 - January 3, 1949
William T. Granahan