Robert T-Online

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Robert T-Online is a character and avatar created in 1999 by the Düsseldorf advertising agency Citigate SEA , which was used to advertise the IPO of T-Online , a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom , in 2000 and the acquisition of T-DSL lines from 2002 .

Visually, Robert T-Online is very similar to Max Headroom , a figure invented by Warner Brothers in the mid-1980s . In a suit and tie against a virtual background, her blond hair gelled, self-confident, an almost arrogant laugh: prototype of the yuppie generation. Both were not, as is often assumed, completely computer-animated, but rather portrayed by actors with elaborately applied masks. Max's rotating background box was really animated by Robert on the computer via green screen.

In 2002 his actor Matthias Kostya was joined by the presenter Enie van de Meiklokjes, who did not use a special mask .

The Robert T-Online concept expired in 2003 when T-Com was placed as a separate brand for the Telekom fixed-line network.

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