Roberto Opazo Castro

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Roberto Opazo Castro (born February 1, 1943 in Santiago de Chile ) is a Chilean psychologist , psychotherapist and university professor . He holds a chair at the Medical Faculty of the Universidad de Chile , was a co-founder and is the first director of the Revista Terapia Psicológica .

He completed his psychology studies and doctorate at the Universidad Católica de Chile and at the Universidad Nacional de San Luis in Argentina . He then founded the first Scientific Research Center for Developmental Psychology in Chile and created the Chilean Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy , as its director he has been working at the Supraparadigma Integrativo since 1983 . His institute also works with the Comité Olímpico de Chile .

In addition to his professorship, he also holds teaching positions at renowned universities in Chile , Ecuador and Argentina . Today Opazo Castro is regularly invited to lectures and lectures all over Latin and North America, as well as to Sweden and Austria . He not only directs the Revista Terapia Psicológica , but is also co-editor and author of numerous national and international journals. He is also the Scientific Advisory Board of the Federación Latinoamericana de Psicotherapia in the World Council for Psychotherapy and was Program Director of the 17th World Congress of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration in 2001 .

Important awards

Castro is also a multiple honorary member of various Latin American professional associations.

Important publications

  • (Ed. :) Los Afectos en la Prácita Clínica , 1988
  • (Ed. :) Integración en Psicotherapia , 1992
  • In the Hurrican's Eye: A Supraparadigmatic Integrative Model , Journal of Psychotherapy Integration (1997)
  • Psicotherapia Integrativa: Delimitación Clinica , 2001
  • Biblioterapia para el Desarrollo Clinica , 2004
  • (together with Hector Fernández-Alvarez :) La Integración en Psicotherapia: Manual de Aplicaciones , Barcelona 2004
  • (Co-author :) Historia de la Investigación Cientifica en Psicologia en Chile , V. 2, 2007

as well as numerous scientific articles in specialist publications and periodicals.

Web links