Roberto Paribeni

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Roberto Paribeni (born May 19, 1876 in Rome ; died July 13, 1956 there ) was an Italian classical archaeologist .

Roberto Paribeni, son of Aurelio Paribeni and Francesca Cicconetti, studied after attending the Istituto Massimiliano Massimo , a Jesuit school in Rome, at the University of La Sapienza with the archaeologist Emanuel Loewy and the ancient historian Karl Julius Beloch , from whom he was awarded the Laurea in 1898 graduated in Ancient History. Under the direction of Federico Halbherr , he took part in the excavations of the Italian Mission in Crete in 1901 . In 1902 he was hired by Ettore Pais as a deputy inspector at the Museo Nazionale di Napoli , but only stayed there for a short time and in February 1903 accepted Luigi Pigorini's and half-lord's invitation to Crete. In connection with this he moved to the Musei Preistorico Etnografico e Kircheriano in Rome, today's Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico "Luigi Pigorini" , to which he was an inspector until 1907. During this time he took part in an archaeological mission in Egypt in 1905 and in the excavation of Adulis in the Italian colony of Eritrea in 1906 .

From 1908 Paribeni worked at the Museo Nazionale Romano , which he was director from 1909 to 1928. In addition to spatial expansion and a significant expansion of the collection, in this role he devoted himself to the exhibition concept and the systematization of the collections of ancient and modern objects. In addition to these tasks, there was the soprint tendency in 1919 through the excavations and museums in the provinces of Rome and Aquila , and from 1922 also through the excavations in Ostia Antica . During this time his interests in the eastern Mediterranean did not rest, especially since he - an ardent nationalist - saw scientific research in this area as a means of securing Italy's political and economic claims. In 1913 he wrote reports for Halbherr to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the possibilities of archaeological research in Anatolia, which contained detailed information on the economic potential of the region. After the end of the First World War , which he spent from 1917 to 1918 with the rank of lieutenant in Palestine , from 1919 to 1943 he more or less regularly administered the funds earmarked for the projects of the Italian archaeological missions and expanded those previously mainly to Crete, Egypt and Anatolia-directed research projects also on the Dodecanese and Tripolitania , on Malta and Albania .

In 1928 Paribeni, a staunch supporter of Italian fascism , reached the climax of his career as Director General for Antiquities and Fine Arts at the Ministero dell'Educazione Nazionale , which had been newly established by Benito Mussolini to replace the Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione (Ministry of Culture) . During the five years of his administration he took stock of the national cultural heritage, secured works of art such as the Tempesta of Giorgione for the state and launched the third series of the Bollettino d'Arte . Because of his aversion to contemporary fascist art, Paribeni was transferred to the Istituto Storico Italiano in 1935 - for Paribeni, who had been a member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei since 1923, a member of the Real Accademia d'Italia created by Mussolini since 1929 and director of the archaeological section since 1930 the Enciclopedia Italiana was, a monstrous degradation of his person and his achievements.

Paribeni now decided on a university career and in 1934 accepted the chair for archeology and ancient history at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan . In the same year he also took over the direction of the Istituto nazionale di archeologia e storia dell'arte , which he held until 1944. The Prussian Academy of Sciences elected him in 1939 as a corresponding member. After the armistice of Cassibile , he was loyal to the Repubblica Sociale Italiana .

With the end of fascism, Paribeni was relieved of all offices and titles as a member of the Fascist Party, and in 1946 his membership in the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei was revoked. The University of Milan was reinstated in 1946 and Paribeni taught there until his retirement in 1951. He also retained the chairmanship of the first section of the Consiglio superiore di Antichità e Belle Arti .

Roberto Paribeni married Francesca Cicconetti in 1910 and had two sons with her, Enrico , himself an important archaeologist, and Marcello.

Fonts (selection)

Comprehensive index of the writings of Roberto Paribeni: Enrico Paribeni, Gianfilippo Carettoni In: Giovanni Battista Pighi (ed.): Studi in onore di Aristide Calderini e Roberto Paribeni. Volume 1. Ceschina, Milan 1956, pp. LXVII-LXXXV.

  • L'Italia e il Mediterraneo Orientale. L'Italiana, Rome 1916.
  • Guerra e politica nel paese di Gesù. Avsonia, Rome 1919.
  • Saggio di bibliografia anatolica. Officine grafiche Ferrari, Venice 1921.
  • Malta. Danesi, Rome 1925.
  • Optimus Princeps. Two volumes. Principato, Messina 1926-27.
  • Il ritratto nell'arte antica. Treves, Milan 1934.
  • L'Italia imperiale da Ottaviano a Teodosio. Mondadori, Milan 1939.
  • Imperia. Paideia, Arona 1949.
  • Istituto di studi romani: Storia di Roma :
    • Le origini, il periodo regio, la repubblica, sino alla conquista del primato in Italia (= Storia di Roma. Volume 1). Cappelli, Bologna 1954.
    • L'età di Cesare e di Augusto (= Storia di Roma. Volume 5). Cappelli, Bologna 1950.
    • Da Diocleziano alla caduta dell'Impero d'Occidente (= Storia di Roma. Volume 8). Cappelli, Bologna 1941


  • Paribeni, Roberto . In: Enciclopedia Italiana. Vol. 21. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 1935.
  • Paribeni, Roberto . In: Enciclopedia Italiana. Appendix 3. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 1961.
  • Andrea Paribeni: Paribeni, Roberto . In: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani . Volume 81. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 2014 (with an extensive bibliography on the life and work of Paribeni, especially during the time of fascism).

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