Rohard I. (Haifa)

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Rohard I. (also Rohart , lat. Rorgius de Caïphe ; † 1107 ) was a presumably Occitan crusader and lord of Haifa in the Kingdom of Jerusalem .

Rohard was probably a son or relative of Waldemar Carpenel († 1101), Lord of Haifa. In any case, he is documented as his successor as Lord of Haifa, presumably he also followed him as Castellan of St. Abraham . Albert von Aachen mentions him in Jaffa in 1103 as one of the barons in the suite of King Baldwin I of Jerusalem .

Rohard died in 1107 and was buried in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem . Rohard's successor as Lord of Haifa was Pagan I , presumably a son of Rohard.

Individual evidence

  1. See Albert von Aachen: Historia Hierosolymitanae Expeditionis. II.IX.

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predecessor Office successor
Waldemar Carpenel Lord of Haifa
Pagan I.