Rolf Heinecker

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Rolf Heinecker (born March 26, 1922 in Kreuzburg , Upper Silesia, † September 4, 2014 in Kassel ) was a German internist and cardiologist . He was director of the Medical Clinic II of the City Clinics of Kassel and is among other things the author of a standard work on electrocardiograms (EKG) that has been published several times .


Heinecker did six years of military service in World War II. He then studied medicine and received his doctorate in 1949 from the Philipps University of Marburg . In 1950 he began his internal training in Bad Nauheim . In 1952 he moved to Ferdinand Hoff at the Frankfurt Medical University Clinic , where he completed his habilitation in 1958. In 1963 he was appointed adjunct professor for internal medicine, in 1964 he moved to the city clinics of Kassel as director of the Medical Clinic II. Here he built an internal medicine clinic with a focus on cardiology. Other nephrological and oncological departments were founded on his initiative. In 1985 he retired.

His standard work EKG in Clinic and Practice (first EKG Primer ) was in its 14th edition in 1999; the book has also been translated into several languages. He continued his scientific work after his retirement. In total, he has published around 200 publications and given around 50 EKG courses.


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