Rolf Langbein

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Rolf Langbein (born April 12, 1932 in Steinach ; † August 26, 2018 in Verden (Aller) ) was a German mineralogist and petrologist .


Rolf Langbein studied mineralogy at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena with a minor in geology and chemistry. During his subsequent time at the Geological Survey Jena he dealt with Perm - and Trias - sediments and sedimentary led the laboratory and later the Department of deposit geology. In 1961 he was with his dissertation on geochemical studies on salt clays of Südharzkalireviers doctorate and his 1967 habilitation dissertation on the petrology of the Thuringian red sandstone habilitation . In 1971 he became a lecturer in petrology at the Geological Sciences section in Greifswald . In addition, he held the post of deputy director for education and training. In 1982 he was appointed to the Chair of Petrology and in 1990 he was elected Section Director. Rolf Langbein, who received the professorship for mineralogy-petrology in 1992, was spokesman for the geosciences department and managing director of the Mineralogical-Petrographic Institute until 1996. In addition to numerous diploma theses, Rolf Langbein supervised 20 dissertations and 2 habilitation theses.

His list of publications includes around 125 scientific publications, with sedimentary rocks and their diagenesis forming the focus of his research.

Fonts (selection)

  • Investigations on salt clays of the Zechstein in the southern Harz potash district . Dissertation, Jena 1961
  • On the petrology of the Thuringian red sandstone . Habilitation thesis, Weimar 1967
  • On the petrology of the Thuringian red sandstone . Geology, Supplement 68, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1970
  • with Helmut Peter and Hans-Jürgen Schwahn: Carbonate and sulphate rocks: limestone, dolomite, magnesite, gypsum, anhydrite . German publishing house for basic industry, Leipzig 1982


  • Gerda Schirrmeister, Thomas Scholle, Roswita Schramm, Hajo Schramm and Simone Röhling : Rolf Langbein 1932–2018 . In: Geoscientific Communications (GMIT), 75, March 2019, p. 91

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