Rolf Peter Sloet

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Rolf Peter Sloet (born November 13, 1947 in Dinslaken , North Rhine-Westphalia ) is a German writer in the genre of science fiction and crime writer .


In 1965 Rolf Peter Sloet entered the Army NCO School in Sonthofen before he began studying at Eichstätt University in 1972 . In 1973 he took up a teaching degree for elementary schools at the educational science faculty of the University of Regensburg . In 1976 he started teaching as a trainee teacher and was transferred to the elementary school in Wörth an der Donau in 1980. There he worked as a teacher at the secondary school until February 2013. Sloet lives in Wörth on the Danube .

During his time as a teacher, he published specialist literature for the training of diving instructors . After finishing his professional career, Sloet started working as a book author. He writes thrillers with sci-fi bonds, crime novels and crime short stories . His works are always close to reality and are based on real criminal cases. Science fiction is another genre from Sloet. His first work was the time machine trilogy "Caliber .501 T-Rex", "Project Waikiki Beach" and "The Mayan Gold" . While his crime novels mostly have a regional reference, in his science fiction novels he lets aliens land in Iowa (USA).

Works (selection)

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