Roman Polt

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Roman Polt (born May 4, 1926 in Vienna ; † September 3, 2008 ibid) was an Austrian trumpeter and singer of hot jazz .

After being a prisoner of war in Italy during World War II , Polt became active as a jazz musician in the United States . Later he worked as a musician in Vienna as well as Luxembourg, Germany, Hungary and the Netherlands. Until his last stage appearance on May 11, 2008 he played together with the bands Michael Pewny Trio, the Vienna City Ramblers and the Blue Note Six in the Jazzmuseum Fatty-George -Jazzmus in Vienna- Donaustadt and in the Heurigen Resi Sommerbauer in Perchtoldsdorf . As a trumpeter he was involved in recordings by Michael Pewny (“Live in Cincinnati”, 2006) and as a singer with the Vienna City Ramblers (“Happy Jazz”, 1982) and with the Blue Note Six (“Salute to Satchmo”, 1982) .

Roman Polt's grave

In the time before his death, Polt was the oldest active jazz trumpeter in Austria. He was buried at the Kagraner Friedhof (group 1, row 18, number 2) in Vienna.

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