Romell Broom

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Romell Broom (born June 4, 1956 ) is an African American citizen sentenced to death for murder, kidnapping and rape in the US state of Ohio .

Broom was convicted of the kidnapping, rape and murder of then 14-year-old Tryna Middleton in 1984. The case attracted worldwide attention when his execution in Lucasville, scheduled for September 15, 2009, failed and was ultimately abandoned because no vein suitable for lethal injection could be found after 18 unsuccessful attempts .

After the Ohio governor suspended the death penalty, the Ohio State Supreme Court approved a second execution date in March 2016 at the instigation of the prosecutor's office . The judges ruled 4 to 3 votes that a second attempt at execution would not constitute a cruel or extraordinary punishment. The US Supreme Court upheld this decision in December 2016 with 6 to 2 judge votes.

In March 2017, the responsible prosecutor requested a new execution date from the Ohio Supreme Court, which was set for June 17, 2020. By order of April 14, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine's execution postponed Broom's execution to March 16, 2022.

Broom's lawyers want to prevent enforcement.

Broom is - after Willie Francis (1946) - the second death row inmate in US history to survive an attempted execution.


Individual evidence

  1. BBC News: New US vein execution bid halted
  2. Executioner looking for a vein
  3. ^ Institutionalized revenge
  4. WELT Online: The bungling execution of Romell Broom
  5. Cory Shaffer: US Supreme Court OKs second attempt to execute Ohio inmate, December 12, 2016 (English)
  6. Murderer who survived botched execution faces a new death date AP , March 13, 2017 (English)
  7. Ohio court schedules 2nd execution attempt for Romell Broom AP , May 23, 2017 (English)
  9. Ohio death row inmate Romell Broom, survivor of 2-hour botched execution, resists setting new date CBS News , March 23, 2017
  10. Kathrin Werner: Death Penalty: The Second Execution Süddeutsche Zeitung , August 25, 2016