Room (unit)

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Room was an English piece measure and a unit of mass for hard coal at the London trading center .

The sac had the following dimensions: length: 4 feet and 2 inches ; Width: 2 feet and 1 inch; Contents 3 bushels or 8742 cubic inches .

The coal merchants only paid 13 sacs for a room. The two other sacs were considered grus by the coal meters , which were under the supervision of a Lord Mayor.


  • Heinrich Meidinger: Travels through Great Britain and Ireland excellent in topographical, commercial and statistical terms. England and Wales, with a map. Volume 1, printed and published by Heinrich Ludwig Brönner, Frankfurt am Main 1828, p. 78.
  • Carl Johann Bernhard Karsten, Heinrich Dechen: Archives for Mineralogy, Geognosy, Mining and Metallurgy. Volume 6, G. Reimer, Berlin 1833, p. 156.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Friedrich Krüger : Complete manual of the coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world. Verlag Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg / Leipzig 1830, p. 45.