Rosa Brunswick

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Rosa Braunschweig (born June 18, 1846 in Neu-Paleschke , † November 9, 1918 in Berlin ) was a German theater actress and director .


Braunschweig, the daughter of a preacher, developed an inclination for art early on, which was still nurtured when she got to know the theater in Danzig, where her father had moved after his retirement. In particular, it was the achievements of Friederike Goßmann that gave her the firm decision to dedicate herself to the stage and since then she has not thought about how she used to want to become a deaconess.

Hermann Hendrichs tested her talent, passed a very favorable judgment and recommended her to the dramatic teacher Adele Glaßbrenner-Peroni . After completing her training, she gave up her family's title of nobility and, at the age of 16, took the stage in Graz for the first time. She then worked in Danzig, Frankfurt, Riga, Rostock, Düsseldorf etc. as a lively lover, then switched to the subject of conversation and first lovers until she finally embodied heroines in Rostock and then at the court theater in Coburg and Neu-Strelitz.

In 1883 she gave up the stage entirely and settled in Berlin as a dramatic teacher. There she took over the management of an Elevenschule, which she headed until at least 1902 and from which well-known actors and actresses emerged.

Braunschweig has had excellent successes in teaching and has always maintained the principle that theoretical role studies must be combined with practical stage training. That is why she took over the direction of an ensemble guest performance with which she gave performances once a week in Potsdam and Spandau, and drama, drama and comedy as well as farce were considered and cultivated in the same way.

Her life after 1902 is unknown.

Student (selection)


supporting documents

  1. ^ Berlin registry office X b: death register . No. 1479/1918.