Rosenheim News

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Rosenheim news logo.png

The Rosenheimer Nachrichten (RN) was a free weekly newspaper (an advertising paper ) that was distributed every Thursday in the southeast of Upper Bavaria (districts of Rosenheim , Traunstein , Berchtesgadener Land and parts of the district of Mühldorf am Inn ).

The RN could also be obtained (subject to a fee) outside of the distribution area. The weekly newspaper was published by INNdependent Media GmbH. In addition to the RN, there were the regional editions Mangfalltal Nachrichten , Wasserburger Nachrichten , Chiemsee Nachrichten (Traunstein) and Ruperti Nachrichten (formerly Rupertigau Nachrichten ). The RN and its regional offshoots achieved a total weekly circulation of more than 170,000 copies.

From May 14, 2006 the RN was supplemented by the distribution of the Rosenheim Sunday News (RSn), which had a circulation of around 45,000 newspapers. The RSn were delivered in Rosenheim and Kolbermoor , Raubling and Stephanskirchen . Due to the high cost of printing and distribution on Sunday, publication was suspended on October 22, 2006.

The Rosenheimer Nachrichten has been published since August 9, 2007 in a compact half-Berlin format . They were discontinued in the summer of 2011 due to high losses with issue 24 from June 15 in the Rosenheim district. The editions Chiemsee Nachrichten (Landkreis Traunstein) and Ruperti Nachrichten (Landkreis Berchtesgadener Land) are not affected by the discontinuation of the title.