Rossella Giglio

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Rossella Giglio (born April 17, 1955 in Marsala ) is an Italian classical archaeologist . She has made a special name for herself since 2009 in connection with the excavations in the province of Trapani on Sicily's west coast and has been the head of the Archeology Unit ( Unità Operativa VIII per i Beni Archeologici ) in the regional Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali ed Ambientali since July 2007 (Soprintendenza BB.CC.AA.) for the province of Trapani. In this function, she also oversees the archaeological sites on the island of Mozia, owned by the Fondazione Giuseppe Whitaker in Palermo .


After her general university entrance qualification , Giglio first studied classical literature at the University of Palermo . After graduating in 1978 and 1979, she participated in the conservation and restoration of the Punic ship that had been lifted off the coast of Mozia and in other projects. From 1979 to 1986 she was involved in cataloging the archaeological finds on Mozia. At the same time she studied at the University of Catania , where she completed her postgraduate studies in archeology in 1980 with a diploma. She then worked as a research assistant, lecturer and author of specialist articles.

Professional activities

In 1987 she won the recruitment competition ( concorso ) for the post of archaeological specialist in the archaeological department of the Sicily Region, but it was not until 1990 that she was assigned to the post and assigned to the Trapani department. In 1999 she was transferred to the Centro Regionale per la Progettazione ed il Restauro (Regional Center for Project Planning and Restoration) in Palermo as Head of Department for Archaeological Monument Preservation . In 2001 she returned to the Soprintendenza in Trapani as a subject specialist, where she took over the department management in September 2004. A year later she became head of the archaeological department at the Soprintendenza del Mare in Palermo, the agency for underwater archeology responsible for all of Sicily. Since July 2007 she has been head of the archaeological department at Soprintendenza in Trapani again.

From the beginning of her professional career, she was a consultant for various committees in matters of archeology and received various regional awards in connection with her work. In addition, she has been commissioned as a curator of various exhibitions and as a speaker at conferences at home and abroad and was the head of various scientific research activities in cooperation with universities and Italian and international institutes.

Publications (selection)

  • with Ole Crumlin-Pedersen, Honor Frost: Fenici e vichinghi: le navi , Museo archeologico regional "Baglio Anselmi", Marsala 1993
  • Interventi conservativi sui mosaici nel territorio trapanese e nuove scoperte , In: Colloquio dell'Associazione Italiana per lo studio e la conservazione del mosaico, 2004
  • Mozia Lilybaeum , Anselmo Editore, Trapani 2008, ISBN 978-88-88246-15-4

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. DETERMINAZIONE N.156 of October 21, 2010 , accessed on February 7, 2016
  2. Archeo Rivista
  3. a b c d Curriculum Vitae (PDF file; 391 kB) on
  4. Conductor Tecnico Archeologo nel ruolo del personale dell'Amministrazione dei Beni Culturali ed Ambientali presso le Soprintendenze
  5. Rossella Giglio: Mozia Lilybaeum, Anselmo Editore, 2008, p. 95