Red Breast Seed Crackers

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Red Breast Seed Crackers
Western bluebill (Spermophaga haematina) .jpg

Red breast seed cracker ( Spermophaga haematina )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Fine finches (Estrildidae)
Subfamily : Estrildinae
Genre : Seedcracker ( Spermophaga )
Type : Red Breast Seed Crackers
Scientific name
Spermophaga haematina
( Vieillot , 1805)

The western bluebill ( Spermophaga haematina ), and Red-breasted Samenknacker or Scaled Samenknacker called, is a kind from the family of finches . There are two subspecies. The species is occasionally kept as an ornamental bird because of its colorful and high-contrast plumage.


The male has a black head and a bright red chest. The female lacks the shiny black head plumage. With her it is dark red-brown and gray. It also has white teardrop spots on its black belly plumage.

During courtship, the male holds a long blade of grass in its beak and slowly hops up and down in front of the female while rhythmically opening its wings. The nest consists of broad leaves of grass and ferns, which are laid out with fine grasses and fibers. Both parent birds take part in building the nest. The clutch has between three and six eggs. The clutch is incubated for 15 days. The nestling period lasts about three weeks. The breeding season varies depending on the distribution area.

The distribution area of ​​the red breast seed cracker is the west of Africa. It occurs there in three different subspecies from Senegal to the mouth of the Congo River . Its habitat is tall grass and dense bushes near banks and swamps.

Hazards and protective measures

Due to its wide distribution, the IUCN classifies this species as Least Concern .

Keeping as an ornamental bird

Red breast seed crackers were introduced to Germany in large numbers by the animal dealer Fockelmann as early as 1878 and brought to the market via Carl Hagenbeck . After that, red breast seed crackers seem to have not been introduced for a long time or only in extremely small numbers. The red breast seed cracker is now the only representative of its genus that is kept in significant numbers.

The keeping of the red breast seed cracker is demanding. You need an aviary that is well stocked with plants. The breed has only been successful a few times so far.

supporting documents


Single receipts

  1. Spermophaga haematina in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2013.2. Listed by: BirdLife International, 2011. Retrieved June 1, 2014.
  2. Nicolai et al., S: 115
  3. Nicolai et al., P. 116

Web links

Commons : Spermophaga haematina  - collection of images, videos and audio files