Red-crowned twig malia

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Red-crowned twig malia
Red-crowned twig malia

Red-crowned twig malia

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Sylvioidea
Family : Pellorneidae
Genre : Malacopteron
Type : Red-crowned twig malia
Scientific name
Malacopteron magnum
Eyton , 1839

The red-headed twig malia ( Malacopteron magnum ), also known as the large twig malia , is a 15-centimeter songbird from the timalia family .


These animals have a reddish brown forehead and a black neck. The belly and throat are gray to white. The legs, the upper part of the beak and the neck are black, the lower beak is gray. The wings and tail are brown. Males and females do not distinguish from one another in terms of plumage.

Distribution and way of life

This species occurs on the Malaysian Peninsula and the islands of Sumatra and Borneo . There the Rotscheitel-Zweigtimalie mostly inhabits the upper levels of the lowland rainforests, it is only very rarely found on the ground. It feeds on insects such as beetles and grasshoppers , and plant seeds are also destroyed.


The bowl-shaped nest, which is created in the trees, consists of twigs and other parts of plants and is lined with sponge fibers. The clutch of the female consists of two eggs. The incubation period is up to two weeks, after which the young remain in the nest for another two weeks.

Hazards and protective measures

Due to the loss of its habitat through illegal deforestation and forest fires, the IUCN has classified it as Near Threatened . To protect the species, scientific studies are ongoing in their habitat in order to be able to take agreed measures.


  • The great world empire of the animals Page: 338,339 Publisher: Planet Media AG, Zug 1992 ISBN 3-8247-8614-1
  • Christopher M. Perrins (Ed.): The FSVO encyclopedia birds of the world. Translated from the English by Einhard Bezzel. BLV, Munich / Vienna / Zurich 2004, ISBN 978-3-405-16682-3 , pp. 574-575 (title of the English original edition: The New Encyclopedia Of Birds. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2003).

Web links

Commons : Rotscheitel-Zweigtimalie ( Malacopteron magnum )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files