Rover (space travel)

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Lunochod 1
Lunar Roving Vehicle
Sojourner Rover
Wheel sizes of the US Mars rovers: v. l. No. MER, Sojourner and Curiosity

A rover (English for vagabond , wanderer ) is a manned or remote-controlled land vehicle in space travel , which is used to explore foreign celestial bodies . So far, rovers have been used on the moon , Mars and on asteroids . The permanent power supply of the vehicles either via solar cells (eg. As in Lunochod and Spirit / Opportunity ) or radionuclide as the Mars Science Laboratory . Heating can be done with radionuclide heating elements .

Techniques for locomotion

Various techniques can be used to get around. These include wheels , chain drives , “ walking ” on robotic legs, jumping or rolling . For example, the Rover Mascot was developed and successfully used by DLR , a small, cube-shaped rover that could make controlled jumps and thus move around in areas with low gravity.

Moon rover

Moon rovers are also known as "moon mobiles", based on the word automobile .


Position of all lunar shuttles and rovers

Not started

  • Lunochod (E-8 No. 201) - first Soviet lunar rover, destroyed by missile launch on February 19, 1969
  • Lunochod 3 , another Soviet lunar rover to be taken to the moon in 1977; this mission has been canceled.


Mars rover


Position of all Mars ferries and rovers
  • Rover of the Soviet Mars spacecraft
    • Mars 2 - Landing on November 27, 1971, destroyed on impact
    • Mars 3 - landing on December 2, 1971, lander fell silent after 20 seconds, rover was not used
  • Sojourner - small rover of the Mars Pathfinder mission, landing on July 4, 1997
  • Double mission Mars Exploration Rover
    • Spirit - Mars Exploration Rover (MER-A), landing in Gusev crater on January 4, 2004, last radio contact on March 22, 2010
    • Opportunity - (MER-B), landed at Meridiani Planum on January 25, 2004, radio contact until mid-June 2018, February 13, 2019 Official mission completed.
  • Curiosity - larger US Mars rover with nuclear power supply ( RTG ), launched on November 26, 2011, landed in Gale crater on August 6, 2012
  • Rover of the Chinese Mars mission Tianwen-1
  • Mars 2020 Rover - American Mars rover with the technology of Curiosity , but with different instruments and a planned sample return mission


Asteroid rover

Wheels are not well suited for locomotion on celestial bodies with very low gravity, as they require relatively high friction ( rolling resistance ) through pressure. Jumping with the help of flywheels is the preferred technique here.

The Japanese mission Hayabusa deployed the small, only 591 gram rover MINERVA on the asteroid (25143) Itokawa , which was supposed to jump forward. However, this was lost when it was released in November 2005. The follow-up mission Hayabusa 2 had a total of four small rovers on board to drop them on the asteroid (162173) Ryugu . They could move by jumping. Three of them landed safely in 2018, including Rover-1A and Rover-1B, which are further developments of MINERVA. The largest of these four rovers is the MASCOT , which weighs almost 10 kg and was also used successfully; the fourth, Rover 2, crashed onto the meteorite in October 2019 after losing control before landing.

Web links

Commons : Rover (space exploration)  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Rover  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. David S. Wettergreen, Timothy D. Barfoot: Field and Service Robotics: Results of the 10th International Conference . Springer, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-27702-8 , pp. 284 ( ).