Roy Beck

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Roy Howard Beck (born July 12, 1948 in Springfield , Missouri ) is a former journalist and founder of NumbersUSA . He is known from debates about the population, work and immigration and from his YouTube videos.

Beck was head of the Washington office of Booth Newspapers and previously worked for The Grand Rapids Press and The Cincinnati Enquirer . He also worked for John Tanton's magazine The Social Contract .

His April 1994 article The Ordeal of Immigration in Wausau in the Atlantic Monthly brought him national attention in the immigration discourse. Beck's organization NumbersUSA put pressure on the US Senators in June 2007 to reject a comprehensive immigration law. Beck is referred to as the tutor of US politician Tom Tancredo on immigration issues.

Works (selection)

  • The Case Against Immigration: The moral, economic, social, and environmental reasons for reducing US immigration back to traditional levels WW Norton, New York 1996, ISBN 0-393-03915-3 ( PDF ).
  • Re-charting America's future: responses to arguments against stabilizing US population and limiting immigration. Social Contract Press, Petoskey 1994, ISBN 1-881780-06-6 ( PDF ).
  • On thin ice: a religion reporter's memoir. Bristol Books, Wilmore 1988, ISBN 0-917851-12-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Roy Howard Beck. In: Prabook. Retrieved June 14, 2020 (English).