Rudi Lipinski

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Rudi Lipinski

Rudi Lipinski (born March 26, 1920 in Neukölln ; † July 13, 2002 in Wittenberg ) was a local researcher of the city of Wittenberg and the region of Alten-Kursachsen .

As a city chronicler, he documented the changes in Lutherstadt in words and pictures and shaped city life not only through his large number of historical publications in the print media. He sharpened interest in the history of the city through public lectures and events organized by the home association of Lutherstadt Wittenberg, which he co-founded.

Professionally, he was managing director of the purchasing and supply cooperative (ELG) for the painting trade.

In 2002, Rudi Lipinski was awarded the Prime Minister's Badge of Honor by the Minister-President of Saxony-Anhalt, Wolfgang Böhmer, for his outstanding social services .


  • For humanity and care . In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung of July 10, 1993.
  • Honorary citizen of Wittenberg . Series of articles in the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung , 1993.