Rudolf Bartsch

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Rudolf Bartsch, 1953
Shop window with advertising for the book You can't always be dumb 1953 in Leipzig

Rudolf Bartsch (born September 15, 1929 in Rosenberg / Upper Silesia , † June 21, 1981 in Berlin ) was a German writer .


Rudolf Bartsch was the son of an employee . He grew up with his grandfather in Kreuzberg / Upper Silesia , where he attended elementary and high school. After he had participated in the final phase of the Second World War as a member of a combat group of the Hitler Youth , he moved to Görlitz in 1945 , later to Leipzig . After school he worked as a farm worker and bricklayer ; from 1950 he attended a teacher training institute. In the fifties he switched to journalism . From 1951 he headed the Working Group of Young Authors of the State of Saxony. As a member of the SED , he was a member of the district assembly in Leipzig from 1954 to 1958 . From 1955 to 1956 he studied at the Johannes R. Becher Literature Institute in Leipzig; then he lived as a freelance writer in East Berlin .

Rudolf Bartsch was the author of naturalistic narrative prose and television scripts , which often deal with contemporary history topics. His greatest success was the novel Loved to the Bitter End, in which Bartsch processed his own war experiences.

In 1962 the controversial novelist wrote the fable and the scenario for the television film "Die Sprengung" (1964, director: Peter Hagen). However, this film was never shown in the GDR because it was banned as "politically unruly" Films was found in the German Broadcasting Archive Potsdam-Babelsberg in 2012. In 2012 it was also premiered.

Works (selection)

  • You can't always be dumb. Halle (Saale) 1953
  • The door is closed. Berlin 1955
  • Loved to the bitter end. Halle (Saale) 1958
  • One train was canceled. Halle (Saale) 1960
  • Riots in Bangsville. Berlin 1961
  • Shots at the prison. Berlin 1961
  • Discretion. Rudolstadt 1962
  • The explosion in 1964
  • The doctor has to be silent. Berlin 1965
  • Ultimate test. Berlin [u. a.] 1969
  • The man who climbs over the hill. Berlin 1972

Web links

Commons : Rudolf Bartsch  - Collection of images, videos and audio files