Rudolf Harling

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Rudolf Harling (born July 9, 1927 in Anholt ; † July 26, 2016 in Soest ) was a German administrative lawyer and from 1967 to 1991 senior district director of the Soest district.


Youth and Studies

Rudolf Harling was born on July 9, 1927 in Anholt, today a part of Isselburg, in the Borken district, as the first of five children. His father Wilhelm Harling was rent master in the service of Prince Salm-Salm until the Second World War . After the Second World War, Wilhelm Harling became mayor of the city of Anholt for many years.

At the age of 12 Rudolf Harling attended the Johann-Konrad-Schlaun-Oberrealschule in Münster (today: Johann-Conrad-Schlaun-Gymnasium ).

In 1943/1944, at the age of 16, Rudolf Harling was drafted as an air force helper in Münster and near Köthen in Anhalt.

In 1946 he graduated from high school and then began studying law at the University of Münster . He passed his first state examination in 1951 and then worked as a trainee lawyer in the legal preparatory service in the district of the Hamm Higher Regional Court. In January 1957 he passed his second state examination. Even during his studies, Rudolf Harling showed himself to be involved in archiving. He worked as a student at the Anholt archive and, as a chronicler and archivist, looked after the archive of his student association KStV Hansea-Halle in Münster.

Professional background

After completing his studies, he initially worked for about a year as an assessor at the NRW district council in Düsseldorf and then began working in the old district of Soest on April 1, 1958 under the then senior district director Freiherr von Wintzingerode. First he worked as an assessor until 1961 and was then appointed general representative of the senior district director. In 1963 he was promoted to the district councilor and three years later he was appointed district director. In 1963 Harling married his wife Ursula Harling, b. Hayn. From this marriage there were four children.

In 1967 he was elected senior district director of the old district of Soest with 37 “yes” votes and three abstentions. When in 1975 the old districts of Soest and Lippstadt were merged as part of the local reorganization to form today's district of Soest , Harling was unanimously confirmed as senior district director of the greater district of Soest. In the 1979 new elections, Rudolf Harling was re-elected with a clear majority. After a 24-year term in office, Rudolf Harling retired on October 19, 1991.



Rudolf Harling died on July 26, 2016 after a long illness at the age of 89 in Soest. His urn was buried on August 26, 2016 in the Osthofen cemetery in Soest.

His estate is in the Soest district archive.

Web links

Other sources

Files of the district archive of Soest:

  • Krs. SO-A 8416
  • Krs. SO-A 8412
  • Krs. SO-A 8411