Rudolf Mautner

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Rudolf Mautner (born on February 21, 1892 ; died on September 23, 1943 in Vienna ) was an Austrian iron turner and resistance fighter against the Nazi regime .

life and work

Before 1933 Mautner was editor of the communist newspaper Die Rote Fahne and in 1934/35 he was imprisoned in the corporate state for a few months. After the annexation of Austria in 1938, he did not belong to any political group. Mautner's son - a National Socialist - returned from the Eastern Front in 1942 with a lung disease . The father wrote his son a letter: "Let go ...". The Gestapo interpreted this letter as an attempt by the father to influence his son communistically. In December 1942, Mautner learned that his son had died in the convalescent home. Thereupon, as is stated in the later judgment, “he removed the sovereign badge from his Hitler Youth uniform and a swastika attached to it from his wallet. The accused also had fourteen like-minded people, including a Soviet Russian communist, attend the funeral of his son. When the coffin was lowered into the grave, the accused said goodbye [...] with a raised fist and said: 'I will avenge you, the earth is turning, the time will come'. From the wreath donated by the Reich Labor Service for the grave of his son, the defendant cut off the parts with swastikas on the ribbons [...] "

Mautner was identified by the Vienna Gestapo on January 13, 1943 - with the charge that he had turned his son's funeral into a “communist demonstration”. On June 3, 1943 he was sentenced to death by the People's Court : “The accused has proven to be an unteachable, hateful and particularly dangerous public enemy. His deed characterizes him as a person of low, mean and particularly reprehensible disposition who is devoid of any human feeling. He degraded his son's funeral to a communist demonstration of the worst kind. There is no place for such a person in the German national community. It has to be eradicated. "

On September 23, 1943 Rudolf Mautner was in Vienna Court by the guillotine executed.
