Rudolf Vondráček

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Rudolf Vondráček (born March 5, 1881 in Sobotka , † June 12, 1938 in Prague ) was a Czech chemist (technical chemistry, metallurgy).

From 1898 he studied chemistry at the Technical University in Prague and received his doctorate there in 1904, where he worked as a chemist in the iron works of Komarov in 1902/03. After completing his doctorate, he worked there as an assistant at the TH Prague and from 1907 at the patent office in Vienna. In 1913 he became a private lecturer in metallurgy at the Technical University of Brno , where he became professor for chemical technology of fuels and metals in 1918, with a full professorship from 1920. He was rector of the university in 1935/36.

Initially he dealt with the metallurgy of iron and steel and chemical processes in blast furnaces. From 1920 he dealt with charring and the burning properties of coals and finally with the industrial separation of hydrocarbons.


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