Ruggiero Romano

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Ruggiero Romano (born November 23, 1923 in Fermo ; † January 5, 2002 in Paris ) was an Italian historian who dealt with the economic history of Italy and Latin America and who belonged to the Annales School .


Romano first studied in Naples with Nino Cortese (1896–1972), completed his laureate degree via the Neapolitan Jacobin Vincenzio Russio (1770–1799) and then went to Rome to the newly founded Institute for Historical Studies under Federico Chabod . In 1948 he moved to Paris for further studies, where he met Fernand Braudel again (he already knew him when they were both doing research in the archives of Venice) and since 1951 has been Directeur d'etudes at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (sixth section), the center of Annales School in Paris. There he was a colleague of Alberto Tenenti, who had also moved to Paris from Italy . In 1957/58 he was also head of the Maison d'Italie, the contact point for Italian students at the University of Paris. In 1992 he retired. He was visiting professor in Poland and Latin America.

Romano dealt in particular with the economic history of colonial South America and Italy (Naples) in the early modern period. But he also published a history of Italy at Einaudi and, with Tenenti, wrote the volume of Fischer Weltgeschichte about the early modern era.

He is known for his research into economic crises. In an essay from 1962 he attributed the European economic crisis of 1619 to 1621, which had previously been the cause of heated debates among Anglo-Saxon historians (including Hugh Trevor-Roper , Eric Hobsbawm ), to a re-feudalization of the economy (primacy of agriculture), which ended the long 16th century . England and the Netherlands were exceptions to this development. In Italy, however, this marked an economic decline.

He ran a collaboration between Annales magazine and the Italian magazine Rivista Storica Italiana . In Italy he worked with the historian Ugo Tucci .

In 1985, he hosted a series on the Spanish Civil War on Italian television RAI (in collaboration with the BBC). From 1977 to 1982 he published the Enciclopedia Einaudi in the publishing house Einaudi .


  • with Alberto Tenenti The foundation of the modern world: Late Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation , Fischer Weltgeschichte Volume 12 (Italian edition: Alle origini del mondo moderno, 1350–1550, 1967)
  • with Fernand Braudel Navires et marchandises à l'entrée du port de Livourne (1547-1611) , Paris: A. Colin 1951
  • Le Commerce du Royaume de Naples avec la France et les pays de l'Adriatique au XVIIIeme siecle , Paris 1951
  • Commerce et prix du blé au Marseille au XVIIIe siècle , Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 1956
  • Una economia colonial: Chile en el siglo XVIII , Buenos Aires, 1965 (French article in Annales, Volume 15, 1960, 259–285)
  • Les Conquistadores: Les mécanismes de la conquête coloniale , 1974, Flammarion 1999
  • Napoli: Dal Viceregno al Regno. Storia economica , Einaudi 1976
  • Editor with Corrado Vivanti : Storia d'Italia , 6 volumes, Einaudi 1972–1976
  • L'Europa tra due crisi. XIV e XVII secolo , Einaudi 1980 (articles)
  • Tra due crisi: l'Italia del Rinascimento , Turin, Einaudi, 1971 (articles)
  • Tra storici ed economisti , Einaudi 1982
  • Publisher: Storia dell'economia italiana , 3 volumes, Einaudi 1990–1991
  • Conjonctures opposées: La crise du XVIIe siècle en Europe et en Amérique ibérique , Librairie Droz 1992
  • Paese italia , Donzelli 1994
  • Braudel e noi. Riflessioni sulla cultura storica del nostro tempo , Donzelli 1995 (on Fernand Braudel)
  • Europa e altri saggi di storia , Donzelli 1996
  • America latina. Elementi e meccanismi del sistema economico coloniale (secoli XVI-XVIII) , UTET 2007

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Individual evidence

  1. Tra XVI e XVII secolo, una crisi economica, 1619–1622, Rivista storica italiana , Volume 74, 1962, 480–531, English translation in Geoffrey Parker, Leslie Smith The general crisis of the seventeenth century , London 1978, p. 165 -225. Continued in L´Italia nella crisi del secolo XVII , Studi storici, 9, 1968, 723–741, English translation Italy in the crisis of the seventeenth century in Peter Earle Essays in European Economic History 1500-1800 , Oxford, Clarendon Press 1974, 185-198