Rumpal house

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Rumpal House in Prachatice
Facade painting

The Rumpal House in Prachatice (German Prachatitz ), a town in the Jihočeský kraj (South Bohemia) region of the Czech Republic , was built in the 16th century. The building on the east side of the market square, which formerly served as a residential building and city brewery, has been a protected cultural monument since May 3, 1958.


In 1539, Peter V von Rosenberg approved the construction of a new block of houses on the eastern surface of the originally much larger town square. The newly built houses there, which are now between Velký náměstí (Great Square), Kostelní náměstí (Church Square), Křišťanova and Poštovní (Post Street), are among the oldest stone buildings in the city.

The late Gothic house, originally built around 1544, was converted into a Renaissance building between 1560 and 1580 , the facade and arcade of which have been preserved to this day.

The Rumpal family, who had become prosperous through the salt trade on the Goldener Steig , leased the house in 1663 to the municipality, who set up the municipal brewery and later a malt house there in 1671 .

After the great city fire of April 13, 1832, in which 137 town houses were damaged (80 of them destroyed), the upper floor was rebuilt and the Renaissance roof replaced with a gable roof.

In numerous restorations, most recently in 2009, the classical facade was renewed with paintings in the style of the Renaissance.


On the ground floor there is an existing three arcades portico , which is continued by the left-most neighboring houses with two-arkadigen arbors. The entire front of the house is covered with beautiful sgraffito paintings, the spandrels of the arcade arches are decorated with figural ornaments.


Today the building is used as a commercial building.


  • Justine Schüßel: Prachatitz: Architectural Monuments and Sights. In: Heimatkreis Prachatitz (ed.): Border town Prachatice. Verlag Heimatkreis Prachatitz, Friedberg bei Augsburg 1986 ( table of contents, PDF on, pp. 167–174.
  • Gabriela Žabková: Renesanční nástěnná malba a sgrafito na fasádách domů v Prachaticích. Renaissance mural paintings and sgraffiti on the facades in town Prachatice. Diploma thesis, Prague 2011, section “ Dům čp. 41 (Rumpálův dům, Pivovar) “pp. 186–194, entire work 283 pages ( PDF on; Czech with English abstract).
  • Baedeker Czech Republic. 6th edition, Ostfildern 2014, ISBN 978-3-8297-1474-7 , p. 164.

Web links

Commons : Rumpal House  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Měšťanský dům Rumpálův dům ÚSKP 31083 / 3-3396 in the monument catalog (Czech).
  2. a b c d Rumpálův dům (č.p.41). Description of the house near the town of Prachatice.
  3. Žabková 2011, p. 186.

Coordinates: 49 ° 0 '44.7 "  N , 13 ° 59' 50.7"  E