Russian series Д

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Russian series Д (D)
A class ДК (DK) locomotive
A class Д К (D K ) locomotive
Number: Б / Д: 20
К / Д К : 19
Manufacturer: including Kolomna
Year of construction (s): 1883-1906
Axis formula : B1
2'B1 '
Gauge : 1,524 mm
Service mass: К / Д К : 50.6 t
Б II / Д Ж : 54.2 t
Friction mass: Б / Д: 25.5 t
К / Д К : 26.6 t
Б II / Д Ж : 30.6 t
Coupling wheel diameter: Б / Д: 1,552 mm
К / Д К : 1,980 mm
Б II / Д Ж : 1,552 mm
Control type : К / Д К : Joy
Б II / Д Ж : Allan
HD cylinder diameter: К / Д К : 470 mm
Б II / Д Ж : 440 mm
LP cylinder diameter: К / Д К : 670 mm
Б II / Д Ж : 660 mm
Piston stroke: К / Д К : 650 mm
Б II / Д Ж : 600 mm
Boiler overpressure: Б / Д: 1.0 MPa
К / Д К : 1.1 MPa
Б II / Д Ж : 1.2 MPa
Grate area: Б / Д: 1.45 m²
К / Д К : 2.46 m²
Б II / Д Ж : 2.52 m²
Evaporation heating surface: Б / Д: 89.3 m²
К / Д К : 157.6 m²
Б II / Д Ж : 125.0 m²
Collective series for double-coupled passenger locomotives

In the series Д [ ] 1912 in no other series have been arranged, produced from 1856 to 1906, Reisezug steam locomotives the axis sequences 1B, B1, 2'B1 ' and 2'B, called D wuchparka ( Cyrillic Д вухпарка , German  (the ) Two- pair ), this refers to the two coupled axles , lined up. Since different locomotives were included in this series, a superscript letter was added after the series for most of the locomotives to indicate the differences in design.
This article describes the last variants produced between 1883 and 1906, and if more details on the designation from 1912 can be found in the sources, reference is made to the older locomotives.

A locomotive of the series Д Ж (D Sh )

The Д series locomotives without superscripts were 1B locomotives manufactured by the Kolomna locomotive factory from 1883 , built for the Central Asian and Transcaucasian railways. Most recently they carried trains between Tbilisi , Michailowo and Baku . The 20 locomotives of the Transcaucasian Railway had been designated as the Б (B) series until 1912 .
The designation Д К (D K ) was also given to locomotives manufactured by Kolomna in 1891 with a 2'B wheel arrangement on the Petersburg-Warsaw Railway . These were the first 2'B locomotives built in Russia since the П (P) series of the Losovaya-Sevastopol Railway , which was built by Kolomna in 1876. They were fast, but inefficient because of the almost inefficient steam distribution. Until 1912 they were designated as the К (K) series. The 19 locomotives were ordered in 1890 for the express train service of the Petersburg-Warsaw Railway. To counteract the cooling, the steam pipes attached to the outside of the smoke chamber were clad. The machines of the К series were designed in the Kolomna works with the participation of the machine service engineer of the Petersburg-Warsaw Railway, SI Smirnow . It was required that the locomotives could move trains with a mass of 175 t on gradients of 6 at a speed of 60 km / h. Test
drives carried out on the St. Petersburg - Vilnius route showed that the locomotives met these requirements without any problems and reached speeds of up to 100 km / h without any difficulty. However, despite the two-cylinder compound engine , as has been proven by comparative tests, they were not more economical than the previously used 1B locomotives of the Б (B) series with simple steam expansion. One locomotive of each of the two series pulled a train with a mass of 228 t during test drives under the same circumstances. The average cruising speed was 53 to 55 km / h. The Б series locomotive with simple steam expansion and smaller coupling wheels reached a top speed of 84 km / h, the К series locomotive with composite action and large coupling wheels 80 km / h, but used 30 % more wood and 25% more water than that 1B locomotive. As mentioned above, the low profitability was due to the poor steam distribution, which also led to overheating of the bearings in the bogie and which is why the machines were no longer built later. They were used on the Petersburg-Warsaw Railway until 1899 and then handed over to the Polessye Railway . The series Д К also included the series А (A) and Б (B) of the Vladikavkaz Railway Company . These locomotives had a 1B wheel arrangement.
The locomotives of the series Д Ж (D Sh ), before 1912 Б II (B II ), came from the Vladikawkas Railway Company and were designed by Wacław Łopuszyński . From 1902 to 1906 they were built in the workshops of the
Rostov railway company using parts of old locomotives of the Б (B) series produced by Kolomna from 1875 onwards. They were the last Russian 2'B locomotives and the first built in Russia with a bar frame . The index «ж» stands for railway workshops (железнодорожные мастерские). These locomotives also turned out to be inefficient.

The locomotives with the 1B wheel arrangement served the Russian and Soviet railways the longest: in 1917, 13 of the 26 built were still in service. Only a few of the other Dwuch parkas of the Д series were in use at that time.

See also


  • В.А. Раков. Паровозы типа 1-2-0, Паровозы типа 2-2-0 // Локомотивы отечественных железных дорог 1845–1955. - 2-е, переработанное и дополненное. - Москва: «Транспорт», 1995. - С. 199-205. - ISBN 5-277-00821-7 .

Individual evidence

  1. Overview of the early Russian steam locomotives (Russian) , accessed on April 30, 2016
  2. Раков В. А. Локомотивы отечественных железных дорог (1845-1955), М.: Транспорт, 1995. ISBN 5-277-00821-7 . Глава 2 «Товарные паровозы, построенные в период 1881 - 1917 гг."
  3. ^ Witali Alexandrowitsch Rakow: Russian and Soviet steam locomotives . Transpress, Berlin 1986, ISBN 3-344-00060-8 , p. 129.
  4. ^ Witali Alexandrowitsch Rakow: Russian and Soviet steam locomotives . Transpress, Berlin 1986, ISBN 3-344-00060-8 , p. 58.
  5. ^ Witali Alexandrowitsch Rakow: Russian and Soviet steam locomotives . Transpress, Berlin 1986, ISBN 3-344-00060-8 , pp. 129 & 130.
  6. ^ Witali Alexandrowitsch Rakow: Russian and Soviet steam locomotives . Transpress, Berlin 1986, ISBN 3-344-00060-8 , p. 70.
  7. ^ Witali Alexandrowitsch Rakow: Russian and Soviet steam locomotives . Transpress, Berlin 1986, ISBN 3-344-00060-8 , p. 132.