Rutte dam

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Coordinates: 46 ° 29 ′ 34 "  N , 13 ° 35 ′ 28"  E

Map: Italy
Rutte dam

The Rutte Dam ( Italian Bacino di Rutte ) was a dam in Greuth (Tarvisio) , Italy , near the Austrian border. It had a 15 m high masonry pier dam as a barrier and was put into operation in 1952. On November 7, 1965 , the dam broke when it was re-dammed after the sediment had been cleared from the reservoir .

Immediately after the construction in 1952, cracks appeared in the structure, a row of vaulted walls with pillars and arches in between, during the first damming. A crack under the dam wall sealed itself off with sediment material. When the sediment was removed 13 years later when the basin was empty, water was able to penetrate through the crack when it was re-filled and find a way through the dolomitic bedrock. A rinse was created by so-called " piping ". Two days after the damming began, the foundation gave way and the wall collapsed. There were no fatalities to complain about, only property damage occurred.

Data of the dam

  • Wall height: 15 m
  • Storage space size: 0.3 million m³
  • Waterside and airside wall inclination: v: h = 8.3: 1
  • Average water depth: 12 m

See also

Commons : Bacino di Rutte  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Web links