Ruy Teles Palhinha

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Ruy Telles Palhinha, around 1930

Ruy Teles Palhinha , often also written Rui Telles Palhinha , (born January 4, 1871 in Angra do Heroísmo , Azores ; died November 13, 1957 in Lisbon ) was a Portuguese botanist . Palhinha was a professor at the University of Lisbon and director of the Jardim Botânico de Lisboa , he was mainly concerned with the systematic study of the flora of the Azores.

life and work

Ruy Telles Palhinha was born in Angra do Heroísmo in the Azores in 1871. He taught at high schools in Santarém and Lisbon and became a teacher and director of the Escuela Normal Superior de Lisboa, where he taught science didactics. He later became professor and director of the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the Universidade de Lisboa and teacher of the Escuela politécnica, today's Faculty of Natural Sciences, where he was also secretary of the library of the botanical garden.

In 1934, 1937 and 1938 Palhinha was the organizer, leader and participant of several excursions to the Azores and described the fauna and development there. While working on a catalog of the vascular plants of the Azores, he died after a plane crash on November 13th of that year.

Memberships and honors

Ruy Teles Palhinha was a member of numerous scientific societies, including the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa , the Instituto de Coimbra , the Real Academia de Córdoba , the Sociedade Broteriana , the Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa , the Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências Naturais , the Société Botanique de France , the Société Botanique de Genève and the Société Linnéenne de Lyon .

In his native town, Angra do Heroísmo, a street and school were named after Palhinha.

Publications (selection)

Ruy Teles Palhinha published numerous scientific papers and books, including

  • Elementos de Chimica . 1.º ano . Aillaud Edt., Lisbon 1901
  • Estudo sobre as saxífragas do Herbário do Jardim Botânico de Coímbra . Lisbon 1904
  • with Antonio Xavier Pereira Coutinho (ed.): Flora de Portugal ( Plantas Vasculares ). Disposta em Chaves Dicotómicas , Bertrand (Irmãos), Ltd., Gravadores-Impressores, Lisbon 1939
  • with L. Gonçalves Sobrinho: Contribuições para o conhecimento da flora dos Açores . Oporto , 1941
  • Algumas considerações sobre a distribuição geográfica e ecologia no Arceuthobium oxycedri (DC) March. Bieb. Açoreana 3 (1), 1942; Pp. 1-5
  • Algumas considerações sobre a distribuição geográfica e ecologia no Arceuthobium oxycedri (DC) March. Bieb. Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana 16 (2), 1943; Pp. 137-143
  • with L. Gonçalves Sobrinho: Algumas observações ecológicas sobre o arquipélago açoriano. Boletim de Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências Naturais 13 (Sup. II), 1942; Pp. 197-205
  • Pteridófitos do arquipélago dos Açores. Bol. Soc. Broteriana 2 (17), 1943; Pp. 215-249
  • To livro sobre biogeografia macaronésica. Açoreana 4 (3), 1948; Pp. 1-199
  • Obra e Vida de Félix de Avelar Brotero in: Memórias da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa , Classe de Ciências, Tomo V, Lisbon 1949
  • Nomes populares de plantas nos Açores. O Instituto 115, 1953; Pp. 74-101
  • Nota preliminar sobre a distribuição geográfica da flora nos Açores. Memórias da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, Classe de Ciências 6, 1954; Pp. 259-276
  • Catálogo das plantas vasculares dos Açores. Sociedade de Estudos Açorianos Afonso Chaves, Lisbon 1966
  • Flora de Portugal. Historiae Naturalis Classicae , Tomus XCVIII, 2nd edition revised by Ruy Telles Palhinha, New York City 1974


  • A. Quintanilha: In Memoriam. Ruy Telles Palhinha . Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências Naturais 14, 1972; Pp. 7-12.

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