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The Rydzyński were a Polish, originally Silesian - Bohemian - Moravian aristocratic family in the 15th to 17th centuries, which was a sideline of the Werbna counts . The counts built the castle and church in the village of Rydzyna and later called themselves the Rydzynski after the place.

Stefan Rydzyński

  • born around 1380
  • October 2, 1405 first mentioned together with his father Jan von Gzirnia in an acknowledgment of guilt

Brothers Jan and Stanislaw Rydzyński

  • 1422 Stefan Rydzynski enters the legacy of the goods from Rydzyna to
  • 21 January 1466 appointing a burgrave at the castle Rydzyna by Wawrzyn Rydzynski

Brothers Piotr and Nikolaj Rydzyński

  • since the beginning of the 16th century the lords of Rydzyna
  • around 1514 inheritance disputes with Jan Leszcynski, treasurer of Kalisz and Rafael Leszczynski, Starost von Gzluchow, brothers and heirs of Leszno
  • In 1519 they built the new half-timbered church in Kloda
  • Piotr Rydzyński died in 1521, leaving behind 4 sons Jan (Scholastikus [cathedral headmaster] von Posznan), Piotr (later canon), Wojciech and Lukasz.
  • They made a division of the Rydzyna estates, which remained until the end of the 17th century, later this property was reunited by the Leszczyński family . The Piotr part included Kloda and Tarnowa , the Nikolaj part the villages Dąbcze and Zaborowo . Rydzyna was not divided, but managed jointly.
  • Nikolaj was married to Anna, widow of Sedziwoj (= old man) Brodnicki, and in 1517 gave her the name of the village of Dąbcze for lifelong use


  1. ^ Heinrich Wuttke : City book of the country of Posen. Codex diplomaticus: General history of the cities in the region of Poznan. Historical news from 149 individual cities . Leipzig 1864, pp. 424-426http: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/1%3D~GB%3DcTRNAAAAcAAJ~IA%3D~MDZ%3D%0A~SZ%3DPA424~ double-sided%3D~LT%3DS.%20424%E2%80%93426~PUR%3D .
  2. Preibisz Leon: Zamek I Klucz Rydzynski, Rydzyna 1938 Nakladem Fundacji Sulkowskich
  3. land register of Koscian