Southern comb langur

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Southern comb langur
Superfamily : Tailed Old World Monkey (Cercopithecoidea)
Family : Vervet monkey relatives (Cercopithecidae)
Subfamily : Common monkeys and colobus monkeys (Colobinae)
Sub tribus : Langur (Presbytina)
Genre : Boned langurs ( Presbytis )
Type : Southern comb langur
Scientific name
Presbytis mitrata
Eschscholtz , 1821

The southern crested langur ( Presbytis mitrata , syn .: P. melalophos mitrata ) is a species of primate from the group of slender monkeys (Presbytini), which occurs in the southeast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra . The distribution area roughly coincides with the territories of the provinces of Lampung and Sumatra Selatan and extends north to the part of Jambi province south of Batang Hari .

Red - The distribution area of ​​the southern crested langur


The southern comb langur reaches a head-trunk length of about 42 to 57 cm (males) or 42 to 56 cm (females), a tail length of 64 to 82 cm (males) and 62 to 82 cm (females), as well a weight of about 5.9 kg (males) or 5.8 kg (females). The fur on the back and the mop of hair on the head can be mouse-brown, ash-gray, yellow-gray or yellow-reddish, with blackish admixtures. The ventral side is white or yellowish cream in color. Arms and legs are mixed whitish-gray or red-brown, hands and feet are gray. The tail is more reddish than the back on the upper side and light reddish brown on the underside. The face is gray, the region around the mouth is often pink. There is also an almost white morph.

Way of life

The southern comb langur occurs in rainforests and scrub forests in flat regions. These include both primary and secondary forests and even rubber tree plantations . His behavior has not yet been researched, but it seems that he prefers to stay in the lower altitudes of the forests. Like other boned langurs, it probably lives in groups and is territorial . The monkeys feed mainly on young leaves, fruits, flowers and seeds.


The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ( IUCN ) has assessed the population of the southern crested langur as endangered. 80% of its original habitat was cut down, especially during the Dutch colonial era . The rest of the habitat is very fragmented. However, the species is relatively tolerant of environmental changes. It occurs in the Way Kambas National Park , among others .


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