Saffron bunting

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Saffron bunting
Saffron bunting (Sicalis flaveola)

Saffron bunting ( Sicalis flaveola )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Tangaren (Thraupidae)
Subfamily : Diglossinae
Genre : Sicalis
Type : Saffron bunting
Scientific name
Sicalis flaveola
( Linnaeus , 1766)

The Saffron Finch ( Sicalis flaveola ) is a bird art from the family of tanagers (Thraupidae), often called ornamental bird is held.


The male has yellow plumage with darker wings and tail tip and an orange forehead. The female is either gray-brown on top, whitish on the underside with a yellow chest band, or it is a paler version of the male. The song of the saffron bunting is melodic.


The saffron bammer lives in savannah and bush landscapes outside the Amazon basin in Colombia , Venezuela , Ecuador , Brazil and Argentina . It was introduced in parts of Central America and the Caribbean .


The saffron bunting is a sociable bird that forms small flocks and searches for seeds on the ground.


The saffron bammer breeds in a tree hole, in the roof beams of a house, or it takes over an abandoned nest of another bird. Three to five eggs are incubated by the female for about two weeks. The young birds fledge at 14-17 days.


Web links

Commons : Safranammer ( Sicalis flaveola )  - album with pictures, videos and audio files