Tanya Ury

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Tanya Ury in front of her installation Hair Shirt Army , “ EL-DE-Haus ”, Cologne, April 2014

Tanya Ury (* 1951 in London ) is a British - German activist, author and artist . She has lived in Cologne since 1993 , where part of her family used to live. Tanya Ury is the daughter of the journalist and composer Peter Ury from Ulm and his wife Sylvia Ury, b. Unger .


From 1985 to 1988 Tanya Ury studied fine arts at the Exeter College of Art and Design (Devon) . In 1990 she graduated with a Master of Fine Art from Reading University . From 1991 to 1992 she guest lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University and received a grant from the Colin Walker - Fellowship of Fine Art .

Part of her family lived in Cologne before their grandparents Nina and Alfred H. Unger , German writer, playwright and former head dramaturge at UFA Berlin , had to flee to exile in London because of their Jewish origins . Many other family members of Tanya Ury were deported and murdered in the Third Reich . The paternal grandfather Sigmar Ury, as a Jew, was not allowed to be cared for in the Ulm hospital despite suffering from kidney disease. He died at home after his wife Hedwig had taken care of him there; she herself was taken to the Theresienstadt concentration camp and murdered in the Auschwitz extermination camp .

In 1999, Tanya Ury and her siblings Nini and David left the extensive archive of her family to the Historical Archives of the City of Cologne . After its collapse in 2009, the archives had to be painstakingly restored; in 2014 this was around 75% successful; In this context, Tanya Ury also spoke of “a kind of second annihilation” (the family history).

Since 2010 she has been a doctoral candidate with Ernst van Alphen, professor at the Humanities Faculty, Institute for Cultural Studies, University of Leiden (LUICD, NL), and since 2014 a member of the jury of the Hans and Lea Grundig Prize , Rosa Luxemburg Foundation , Berlin.


As an author and in her photography, her installations, performances and video art , Tanya Ury deals with questions about Jewish-German identity, how German society deals with its history and the role of subaltern women against the background of migration and racism .

Tanya Ury has been collecting and archiving her lost hair every day since 1992. She uses the date-stamped storage bags, meanwhile (early 2015) over 7,000, for her installations and performances.

In her performance colognes (2003), a split screen - Video . Of 33 minutes duration, it shall take cuttings of seven live performances from 1993 to 1997, and the video recording from the tattoo parlor for Performance 4711 together. One of their central themes becomes clear: the aim is to reappropriate history. In this work it could be - in memory of their grandmother Hedwig and her two great-aunts Ella and Grete (all murdered in concentration camps) - from a Cologne tattoo the number artist in 1993, 4711 tattooed on her thigh. As part of the video installation of this performance, in which Ury and the artist talk about the Holocaust , she also remembers the resistance fighter Milena Jesenská in the Ravensbrück concentration camp : Like all other inmates, she was given a number, this one, in her case "4714", was tattooed on the forearm. Milena Jesenska received the nickname 4711 - Eau de Cologne - in the concentration camp .

Attacks on migrants in London and Germany, such as the bomb attack on Russian-Jewish migrants in Düsseldorf , were motifs for the allusive 21-part photo series Jack the Ladder (2003). The photos are put together as a three-part ladder , image details show a young Chinese woman in black tights in front of a red oriental carpet . You can see running stitches , nails, glass splinters and knives glued with red nail polish .

In the performance video Röslein spoke… (2004), Tanya Ury “sewed the word Boss into the palm of her left hand with a thin needle and fine black thread. In the background, Janet Baker sings the famous Goethe poemHeideröslein ”, set to music by Franz Schubert , which she often heard at home as a child. She dedicated this video performance to the seamstresses who had to make Nazi uniforms for the Boss company as forced laborers from the occupied territories in the Third Reich . "

Tanya Ury is also one of the committed opponents of the Flick exhibition in Berlin, who campaigned Heil Dich noch! The "Flick Collection" is closed (2004) directed against the "memory defense". The historical film The Downfall was criticized by her in its "continuity of an attitude of refusal towards the victims".

A large number of her works deal with the Holocaust , prostitution and voyeurism . In Who's Boss (from 2002) this happens in connection with forced labor . The series of pictures called Art Prize was part of the exhibition Always happy to keep you busy ... : The work of art consists of four digital photo collages, each composed of three elements. The first third of each of the four collages shows a row of advertising postcards from Hugo Boss AG from the 1998/99 fashion collection . Here the company is also showing a leather coat similar to the one used by the German Air Force during World War II . In the second third, Spanish postcards of lovers and girls depicted as dolls from the time of the Franco dictatorship are shown. The last third consists of nude portraits of Tanya Ury from 1996, each of which shows an original Nazi Air Force leather coat.

In the pictures of her photo series Artistic Freedom (2013) she appears twice: as a perpetrator and - naked - as a victim. The nine photographs were taken on the premises of the former Stasi remand prison in Hohenschönhausen in East Berlin .

  • Video Touch me Not (dt. Don't touch me , the hanged ones )
  • Archive series of works

Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • 1996: Triptych for a Jewish Princess Second Generation . Foyer Feminale FrauenFilm Festival, Cologne
  • 1997: Golden Showers , live video performance . Showroom, Cologne
  • 1999: Golden Showers . Installation, The Lux Cinema Foyer, London
  • 2001: Insensed , Hotel Seehof, Zurich
  • 2002: Hermes Insensed . 68 Elf Galerie, Cologne
    • Jacob's Ladder , high bunker, Cologne-Ehrenfeld
  • 2006: Video projections, Tüzraktér Independent Cultural Center , Budapest
  • 2010: Installation video performance Fury , kjubh Kunstverein e. V.
  • 2013: Righting the Image , Literature Collection in Cologne (LiK) of the Cologne City Library
  • 2014: Installation Who 's Boss: Hair Shirt Army. Army of the Hair , Nazi Documentation Center of the City of Cologne . The Hugo Ferdinand Boss company , which made its living in the Third Reich sewing uniforms for SS , SA and Hitler Youth .
    • Performance archive burn out , concert by Suspended Beliefs , where, with poems to improvised music, Tanya Ury (voice), Gernot Bogumil (trumpet), Kasander Nilist (double bass), Hans Salz (percussion)

Group exhibitions (selection)

  • 1992/93: British Telecom New Contemporaries on Tour : Orion , Newlyn ; Cornerhouse , Manchester ; Angel Row , Nottingham ; Orpheus , Belfast ; ICA , London
  • 1995: Coincidence . Ignis, European Cultural Center, Cologne
  • 1996: Whitechapel Art Gallery , London
  • 1997: Hotels (with Doris Frohnapfel). SCHULZ , Cologne
  • 1998: Outfit & Identity . International photo scene Cologne , Kunsthaus Rhenania
    • Jewish life in Berlin . Centrum Judaicum
    • Not Black and White (with Doris Frohnapfel). Photo gallery Brotfabrik , Berlin
  • 1999: Crosslinks . (Video library), Berlin Marstall
  • 2000: Heimat Kunst . House of World Cultures , Berlin
  • 2002: Ambivalence, Women's Museum , Bonn
  • 2003: The right of the image… . Jewish Perspectives in Modern Art , Museum Bochum
  • 2004: Read Lust Art & Fashion , Podewil , Berlin
  • 2005: Always happy to work for you ... ifa Gallery, Berlin, Germany and Prora Documentation Center, Kunstverein Rosenheim
  • 2006: Three Photographs, Virtual Residency , Galeria Biala , Centrum Kultury , Lublin
  • 2007: Computer representation with all video trailers from a one-week stay in the New Life Shop Art Gallery , Berlin, in the exhibition In Pursuit: Art on Dating at the ISE Cultural Foundation Gallery , New York City
    • Curation Group exhibition Diaspora and Troubles with DVD projection, computer-based projection and performance, Art Bunker Tumulka , Munich
  • 2008: Video projection / installation Trains , underlaid with a digital-electronic music score by Till Rohmann, plus six photographic works, presented as part of the group exhibition Politics , Künstlerhaus Dortmund (D)
  • 2011: Power Point presentation and live performance during the large art exhibition in North Rhine-Westphalia (as part of the “Jewish Culture Days”) in Donnerhall , Düsseldorf Museum Kunst Palast , Kulturzentrum Ehrenhof
  • 2013: Postcard and Beyond , Instituto Departamental de Bellas Artes, Cali , Colombia
  • 2014: Lost in Interiors - photographic positions on political imprisonment , program 25 Years Fall of the Wall , Berlin, PhotoWerkBerlin project space (communal gallery)
  • 2015: Coats from the Hair Shirt Army / Army of the Hairy Robe . In: Daniel Spoerri : To love and to have - to love, to collect and to collect . Exhibition on the occasion of his 85th birthday. Hadersdorf am Kamp (Austria).


  • 2004: Hotel Chelsea - Cologne . In: Hito Steyerl, Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez (ed.): Does the subaltern speak German? Migration and Post-Colonial Criticism . ISBN 3-89771-425-6 ; Social theory and postcolonial criticism , 1995. Unrast Verlag, ISBN 3-89771-425-6 .

Writings, publications (selection)

  • 1999: people like you and me . Cologne City Museum . Catalog, in-house production: Korridor Verlag. ISBN 3-9804354-6-6
    • Taking on the mantle . In: AufBrüche - Cultural productions by migrant women, black women and Jewish women in Germany , Ulrike Helmer Verlag. ISBN 3-89741-042-7
  • 2002: Transcending the Ladder 2003 . In: From Work to Work , Korridor Verlag. ISBN 3-9804354-8-2
  • 2005: Disregarding the suffering of others . Film review . In: W. Bischof (Ed.): Filmri: ss. Studies on the film The Downfall . ISBN 3-89771-435-3
  • 2007: Theme Park Reconstructed . As a PDF with all 51 images of the Theme Park , Open Issue photo series . In: Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture , Edition 7, No. 4.
    • Who's boss . In: n.paradoxa , International Feminist Art Journal , London, Volume 20 / Translate / Narrate Edition
  • 2011: Self-portrait of a self-hating Jewish woman. In: Tania Reytan (ed.): Migration, Communication & Home - Jewish tradition, Change & Gender in a Global World (dt. Migration, Communication & home - Jewish tradition, Wandel & Gender in a Global World ). LIK Publishing House, Sofia . ISBN 978-954-607-802-5 , ISBN 954-607-802-6
  • 2012: Imaginations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies . University of Alberta , Canada . June online edition: Presentation of Tanya Ury's new work and a peer-review interview with Claude Desmarais.
  • 2015: all in a name - nomen est omen . In: n.paradoxa , International Feminist Art Journal , London, Volume 35 / War

other activities

Tanya Ury has long been a member of the independent Jewish human rights organization Jews for Justice for Palestinians in Great Britain (“Jews for Justice for the Palestinians ”) and the German section called Jewish Voice for Just Peace in the Middle East . V. a federation of Jewish groups that work for an independent and viable Palestinian state .

See also

Literature etc.

  • 2003: Jack the Ladder and article by Christoph Kivelitz. In: Hans Günter Golinski, Sepp Hiekisch (ed.): The right of the image, Jewish perspectives in modern art. Edition Braus, ISBN 3-89904-076-7
    • Cathy S. Gelbin: Metaphors of Genocide: The Staging of Jewish History and Identity in the Art of Tanya Ury . In Caroline Duttlinger et al. (Ed.): Performance and Performativity in German Studies . Oxford, Peter Lang AG, ISBN 3-03910-150-1 ; German: Metaphors of Genocide. The representation of history and identity in the art of Tanya Ury. In: Social Theory and Postcolonial Criticism , Unrast Verlag , ISBN 3-89771-425-6
      • 2002: Plath, Hitchcock and the imagery of the Shoah: on the mediation of history and identity in the art of Tanya Ury. In: German-Jewish literature of the nineties: The generation after the Shoah . Erich Schmidt Verlag , ISBN 3-503-06125-8
  • 2011, Ingrid Strobl : Radiofeature , A Brief History of… Tanya Ury, WDR 5 , Cologne
    • Juliette Brungs: Written Into the Body - the Performance Video Art of Tanya Ury ( Written Into the Body - The Performance Video Art of Tanya Ury ). In: Anthology of Duke University Nexus: Essays in German-Jewish Studies , Camden House Verlag, ISBN 978-1-57113-501-8

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Astrid Nettling, deutschlandfunk.de: Working on the archive . Deutschlandfunk , Das Feature , January 23, 2015; Manuscript for it . See also cologne .
  2. bbooks.de: Heal yourself! The "Flick Collection" is closed
  3. January - March 2005, ifa Gallery , Berlin-Mitte.
  4. tanyaury.com: Artistic Freedom - Artistic Freedom No. 9, A Series of 9 Photographs
  5. http://www.isefoundation.org/english/index.html
  6. [1] kunstbunker-tumulka.de
  7. kuenstlerhaus-dortmund.de
  8. spoerri.at: From Type, Exhibition House Spoerri, Events
  9. http://search.eserver.org/search?search
  10. S. 71-77, ktpress.co.uk
  11. Text and Skype interview transcript: csj.ualberta.ca ( Memento of the original from June 1, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.csj.ualberta.ca
  12. pp. 16-18, http://www.ktpress.co.uk/nparadoxa-volume-details.asp?volumeid=35 ktpress.co.uk
  13. No more war! For a civil clause at the University of Cologne and everywhere. Retrieved August 6, 2018 .
  14. info@nrhz.de: Tanya Ury for boycott against apartheid - Bonn BDS day of action on the occasion of “50 years of occupation” - NRhZ-Online - Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Retrieved August 6, 2018 .
  15. info@nrhz.de: Against the dehumanization of the indigenous Palestinians by the Israeli occupation - play 'I will not hate'. Retrieved August 6, 2018 .
  16. ^ Tanya Ury: Excerpt from the text of the audio cassette DIE HÄNGTEN. Walkman with rope, 1999 . In: Bettina Flittner, Doris Frohnapfel, Tanya Ury, Mona Yahia: PEOPLE LIKE YOU AND ME. Four artists for the exhibition War of Extermination, Crimes of the Wehrmacht 1941 to 1944 . (April 14 to May 24, 1999. Cologne Gallery of the Cologne City Museum , City of Cologne ), p. 21. Korridor Verlag. ISBN 3-9804354-6-6 .
  17. peterlang.com ( Memento of the original from January 8, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.peterlang.com