Salvatore Angerami

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Bishop's coat of arms by Salvatore Angerami

Salvatore Angerami (born November 26, 1956 in Naples , Italy ; † July 7, 2019 ) was auxiliary bishop in Naples .


Salvatore Angerami worked as an engineer before entering the church service. He received on 22 June 1997, the sacrament of holy orders and was episcopal vicar in Naples.

On 27 September 2014 it appointed Pope Francis to the titular bishop of Turres Concordiae and ordered him auxiliary bishop in Naples. The Archbishop of Naples, Crescenzio Cardinal Sepe , ordained him episcopal on November 8th of the same year. Co- consecrators were Lucio Lemmo and Gennaro Acampa , both auxiliary bishops in Naples. Angerami died in 2019 after a serious illness at the age of 62.

Salvatore Angerami was Grand Officer of the Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem .

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