Guttentag collection

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The Guttentag Collection is a series of books with which the publishing program of the former I. Guttentag publishing house, a legal publisher, similar to the Göschen Collection of the GJ Göschen'schen publishing house, was continued by Walter de Gruyter from the 1920s . The term Guttentag Collection is no longer used in the publications, but the program of the series is still available from the publisher and various volumes in the series have been reissued to this day. The publisher also offers reprints of earlier editions.

Well-known works in the collection include a. the comments on the Imperial Constitution by G. Adolf Arndt , on the Civil Code by Alexander Achilles / Max Greiff, on the Criminal Code by Eduard Kohlrausch / Richard Lange , on the Federal Building Act by Sebastian Heitzer / Ernst Oestreicher, on the Civil Procedure Code by Bernhard Wieczorek, on the Juvenile Court Act by Gerhard Grethlein / Rudolf Brunner, on the Trademark Act and the Patent Act , both by Rudolf Busse, on the Payment Act by Karl-August Crisolli / Fritz Ostler and on the Court Fees Act by Hermann Markl .

Individual evidence
