Samuel August Sohr

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Samuel August Sohr (born September 9, 1751 in Görlitz ; † May 27, 1838 there ) was a doctor of law, mayor of the city of Görlitz in Upper Lusatia and royal councilor.


Sohr was born in 1751 at Peterstraße 14 as the son of the senior attorney Johann August Sohr in Görlitz. The Sohrs were an old Görlitz patrician family. After graduating from high school in Görlitz, he studied law at the University of Leipzig . In 1775 he was appointed senior lawyer. A year later, his hometown hired him as a council tax collector. In the following years he became a senator (1780), city judge (1790) and finally mayor in 1801. He held the mayor's office of his hometown for a total of 32 years and did not resign until 1833. In May 1838 he died very old.

During his tenure as mayor, the Napoleonic Wars fell , in which various armies also marched through the city. He also wrote about this time in his article "Görlitz in the year 1813", which was published in 1884 in the New Lusatian Magazine , a publication of the Upper Lusatian Society of Sciences . He was also committed to the crafts school and to the founding and work of the Upper Lusatian Society of Sciences. Sohr was also one of the first 20 members of the society. On his 50th anniversary as a lawyer , the king awarded him the Order of the Red Eagle and the title of royal councilor.

After marrying the daughter of the mayor Fröhlich in 1779, he also received their Leschwitz and Posottendorf estates . He and his wife had 14 children, but only three daughters and four sons survived.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c New necrology of the Germans. Sixteenth year, 1838. Part 2 . Bernh. Friedr. Voigt, Weimar 1840, p. 542 . ( Digitized version )
  2. a b c From its foundation to the end of the 18th century . Retrieved May 11, 2012 .
  3. Sam. Aug. Sohr. [Description of life] In: Neues Lausitzisches Magazin . Volume 16, New Series Volume 3, Görlitz 1838, News from Lausitz. Third piece 1838, pp. 120–125 ( digitized version )
  4. a b c Samuel August Sohr . (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on October 29, 2013 ; Retrieved May 11, 2012 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. Görlitz in 1813. In: New Lausitzisches Magazin . Volume 60, 1884, pp. 201–245 ( digitized version )