Samuel August Wagner

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Samuel August Wagner (born July 31, 1734 in Saathain , † February 21, 1788 in Dresden ) was a physician and teacher from the Electoral Saxony .


Born in Saathain near Elsterwerda , Wagner studied in Magdeburg and Wittenberg . In 1755 he received his doctorate with the defense of Friedrich Börner's "de statu mediciuae apud ueteres teres Übraeosy 4".

From 1758 to 1761 he was the city ​​physician in Mittweida . After he had perfected his knowledge, especially on trips through Poland , he moved to Dresden in 1773, where he became a city physician from 1779. In this function, Samuel Wagner handed over the management of all the city's hospitals to his doctor friend Samuel Hahnemann, who moved to Dresden in 1784, for one year. Hahnemann, who later became known as the founder of homeopathy , had ample opportunity to gain knowledge and merit in medical practice.

Two years after Wagner became a public teacher in Dresden in 1786, he died there in 1788.

Individual evidence

  1. Samuel Hahnemann: "People's Healing Doctrine"
  2. ^ "Medical writers" ( digitized version )
  3. "Magazine of Saxon History", Volume 5, Dresden, 1788