Samuel Lambelet

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Samuel Lambelet (* 1663 in Neuchâtel ; † April 21, 1727 in Braunschweig ) was a German coin cutter and medalist .


The son of a Swiss judge can be traced back to October 17, 1695 as a die cutter at the Clausthal mint . Previous activity in Paris as a medalist for Louis XIV is uncertain. After he was last proven on December 9, 1715 in Clausthal , Lambelet worked from 1717 to 1727 as a medalist and die cutter at the mint in Braunschweig. He died in Braunschweig in 1727. The use of a stamp created by him for the Brunswick thaler coinage is documented for the year 1729.

Work (selection)

Lambelet designed several masterful baroque medals for the Brunswick dukes August Wilhelm and Ludwig Rudolf as well as for members of the House of Hanover .

  • Congratulatory medal on the wedding of Princess Wilhelmine Amalie with the Roman King Joseph , design by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz , 1699
  • August Wilhelm's medal on the 200th anniversary of the Reformation , 1717
  • Medal for August Wilhelm's building activity , 1718
  • Medal for the 55th birthday of Ludwig Rudolf , 1726
