Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon

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The Braunschweigisches Biographische Lexikon is a two-volume local biography that contains the biographies of people who were born in the city ​​of Braunschweig or "the Braunschweigischen", that is, in the Duchy of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (with its partial principalities), Duchy of Braunschweig , Free State of Braunschweig or in the Braunschweig region or have significantly influenced the developments there or are in any other way connected to them. Together, both volumes cover a period of well over 1000 years.


The volume Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon. 8th to 18th century with 784 pages contains a foreword to the “ Braunschweigische Landschaft e. V. ”, an introduction, a list of authors, abbreviations and symbols as well as alphabetically sorted biographies, a person and a geographical register as well as photo credits. It contains over 1150 articles on people who shaped political, ecclesiastical, social, economic and cultural life.

The biographical encyclopedia contains life data from ten centuries on the most important people in Braunschweig and thus covers the period from the early Middle Ages to the 18th century. Among them are women and men who worked in and around Braunschweig; Princes, bishops, monks, nuns, theologians, researchers, scholars, merchants, craftsmen, artists and adventurers as well as mistresses, but also people who have been accused of witchcraft, criminals or ringleaders. The lexicon offers a broad overview, which is not only limited to regional princes, the clergy or the upper middle class, but also includes dodgy or flawed figures, such as the city governor Hinrik Kokerbeke (1379-1402), who is known for his brutality was known. The authors of the volume include historians and medievalists, but also music and art scholars.

The volume Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon. 19th and 20th centuries with 704 pages contains around 1,600 articles on people from the area between the Lüneburg Heath , from Aller and Oker to Leine and Weser and the northern Harz , but also from the districts of Goslar , Holzminden and Peine , from Wolfsburg and the old district of Blankenburg . This volume includes people who were born or died after 1800 and who died before 1990.


The main editor of the encyclopedia was the former head of the Lower Saxony State Archives Wolfenbüttel Horst-Rüdiger Jarck , who took on the editorship of Dieter Lent , Gudrun Fiedler , Martin Fimpel, Silke Wagner-Fimpel and Ulrich for the volume 8th to 18th centuries published by Appelhans Verlag in 2006 Black shared. Jarck worked with Günter Scheel and other authors for the volume 19th and 20th centuries published by Hahnschen Buchhandlung Verlag in 1996 . The “Braunschweigische Landschaft” commissioned the entire work.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Table of contents on, accessed on January 14, 2013.
  2. ^ Hagen Hoffmann: Review - Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon 8th to 18th century. on
  3. Scientific and historical publications on