San Cristobal pigeon

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San Cristobal pigeon
Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Pigeon birds (Columbiformes)
Family : Pigeons (Columbidae)
Genre : Indo-Pacific earth pigeons ( Alopecoenas )
Type : San Cristobal pigeon
Scientific name
Alopecoenas salamonis
( Ramsay , 1882)

The San Cristobal pigeon ( Alopecoenas salamonis , Syn . : Gallicolumba salamonis ) is an extinct pigeon from the genus of the Indo-Pacific earth pigeons (Alopecoenas).


Little is known about the San Cristobal pigeon. Their length was 26 cm. The color of the head, throat and breastplate was light beige. The chestnut brown top with a pale purple sheen on the shoulders and the small wing cover areas contrasted with the chocolate-colored belly. It had a thick brown beak and red legs.

distribution and habitat

Its distribution area were the Solomon Islands Makira (formerly San Cristobal) and Ramos, a tiny island to Malaita belongs. Here she probably preferred dry beach forests.

die out

The San Cristobal pigeon is only known from two specimens found in 1882 and 1927. The holotype is in the Australian Museum in Sydney . Rats, feral dogs and cats and the deforestation of the forests in the valleys have apparently led to their extinction. Although not seen since the 1920s, it wasn't officially declared extinct by the IUCN until 2005.


  • Dutson, Guy (2003): Is the Thick-billed Ground Dove Gallicolumba salamonis extant? In: Ibis 145 : 175. doi : 10.1046 / j.1474-919X.2003.00137.x
  • Ramsay, Edward Pierson (1882): Description of two new birds from the Solomon Islands . In: Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 7 : S 299-301

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