Sanballat III.

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Sanballat III. ( Hebrew סנבלט, Babylonian Sin-uballit; † 332 BC BC ) was a Persian governor ( satrap ) of Samaria .

Sanballat was the father of Nicaso and the father-in-law of Manasseh, who was a brother of the high priest of Jerusalem , Jaddua. On Mount Garizim , Sanballat began building a temple, the high priest of which was to become his son-in-law and for this purpose several citizens of Jerusalem were to be settled in Samaria , which led to a conflict with the local clergy. In 332 BC Chr. Reached Alexander the Great Middle East. The high priest of Jerusalem expressed solidarity with the great king Dareios III. which, however , had withdrawn behind the Euphrates . Sanballat, however, went over to Alexander's side and led 8,000 warriors to the siege of Tire . He continued to renounce his province in order to be able to devote himself to the construction of his temple, but died only a few months later.

The further "lower Syria" ( Koile Syria ) was subjugated by the general Parmenion . Alexander installed Andromachos as his governor, against whom the Samartanians revolted in the same year until they were in the spring of 331 BC. Were finally subjugated by Alexander.
