Sancho I (León)

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Sancho I.

Sancho I the Fat ( el Craso ) (* 935 ; † 966 ) was the son of King Ramiro II of León and King of León (956–958 and 960–966).

He followed his half-brother Ordoño III. 956 to the throne and ruled until his death, with the exception of a two-year hiatus from 958 to 960, when Ordoño IV ousted him from rule.

Two years after his coronation, he was deposed by noblemen under the leadership of the Count of Castile Fernán González and fled to Pamplona . In exile with his grandmother Toda of Navarre, Sancho could get the support of the caliph Abd ar-Rahman III. win from Cordoba . With the help of Navarre and the Arabs, he conquered Zamora in 959 and soon regained his throne. Ordoño IV had to flee, Fernán González was taken prisoner.

However, there was a break with the caliph and then an alliance between Sanchos and Navarre against him, which ended in military failure. The last years of Sancho's rule were marked by an increasing arbitrariness of Castilian and Galician noble families.

Sancho I was poisoned in 966, and his son Ramiro III. followed him to the throne.

Web links

Commons : Sancho I of León  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Ordoño III. King of León
956–958 and 960–966
Ramiro III.