Sancho Sánchez (Gascony)

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Sancho Sánchez († around 855) was a count of Gascony in the middle of the 9th century.

Sancho (Sancio-Sanci) succeeded his brother Aznar Sánchez , who was killed in 836, and continued the resistance against King Pippin I of Aquitaine († 838) as well as against his son Pippin II . He was finally able to capture the latter in 852 and deliver it to the West Franconian King Charles the Bald . For rule in Gascony , Sancho competed with Count William, who ruled over Bordeaux , but was captured by the invading Vikings in 848 . At an unspecified point in time (probably shortly after 852) the Moorish lord of Saragossa , Musa "Gothus", managed to cross the Pyrenees and capture two "great dukes of the Franks" (Francorum magnos Duces) named Sancionem and Epulonem The former must have been Count Sancho Sánchez from Gascon. A little later, King Charles the Bald had to buy them both out of their captivity.

After that, nothing more is reported from Sancho. After him, his nephew Arnold reigned in Gascony. To what extent Sancho was related or even identical to Sancho Mitarra , the actual founder of the Gascognischen ducal house, is unclear.


  1. Annales Bertiniani, ed. by Georg Heinrich Pertz , in: Monumenta Germaniae Historica , SS rer. Germ. 5 (1883), pp. 12-13 .
  2. Annales Bertiniani, ed. by Georg Heinrich Pertz, in: Monumenta Germaniae Historica, SS rer. Germ. 5 (1883), p. 41 .
  3. Fragmentum Chronici Fontanellensis, ed. by Georg Heinrich Pertz, in: Monumenta Germaniae Historica, SS 2 (1829), p. 302 .
  4. Sebastiani Chronicon, §25 ed. by Enríque Flórez, in: España Sagrada. Vol. 13 (1756), pp. 487-488 .
  5. Sebastiani Chronicon, §26 ed. by Enríque Flórez, in: España Sagrada. Vol. 13 (1756), p. 488 .

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