Sarasin's gecko

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Sarasin's gecko
Sarasin's gecko (Correlophus sarasinorum)

Sarasin's gecko ( Correlophus sarasinorum )

Superordinate : Scale lizards (Lepidosauria)
Order : Scale reptiles (Squamata)
without rank: Geckos (gekkota)
Family : Double- fingered geckos (Diplodactylidae)
Genre : Correlophus
Type : Sarasin's gecko
Scientific name
Correlophus sarasinorum
( Roux , 1913)

Sarasin's gecko ( Correlophus sarasinorum , Syn . : Rhacodactylus sarasinorum ) becomes 25 centimeters long. He is slim and brown in color. The belly is lighter. There is a V-shaped light drawing on the back of the head, the temple region is dark. The tail serves as a grasping organ. It belongs to the family of double-fingered geckos .


Its habitat is that in the southern part of Grande Terre , the largest island of New Caledonia . There it lives in dense tropical mixed forests with deciduous trees. The local climate alternates between a dry phase and a rainy season, which is characterized by days of rainfall.

Way of life

Sarasin's gecko is nocturnal. It is tree-dwelling and mainly lives on leafy branches at heights of 10 to 15 meters. Its activity phase begins 2 to 3 hours after dark and lasts until dawn.

The animals mate from September to December, the females lay eggs from December to May. The eggs are 28 × 11 mm, soft-shelled and buried in the ground. After 65 to 90 days, the 9 cm long young hatch, which are initially red-brown in color.


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