Saro Marretta

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Saro Marretta, 2015

Saraccio "Saro" Marretta (born November 4, 1940 in Ribera ) is an Italian-Swiss writer. He lives in Spiegel near Bern and is a citizen of Italy and Dagmersellen (LU).


Marretta has lived in Switzerland since he was 23 years old. He studied Spanish language and literature, linguistics and Italian language and literature at the University of Bern and then obtained a high school teacher certificate. He worked as a high school teacher at the Köniz high school (Bern).


Marretta processed his first experiences as a young teacher in Frohwil, a village in the heart of Switzerland, in the work Piccoli italiani in Svizzera , which was also translated into German by the author. In 2008, on behalf of Professor Armando Gnisci from the University of La Sapienza (Rome), he revisited the characters involved in the story at the time, resulting in a new version of the work supplemented with interviews. Thanks to Piccoli italiani in Svizzera , he was awarded the Italian National Literature Prize Carlo Goldoni in Venice (1971) and, for the fourth edition, the National Literature Prize in Pratola Peligna as “Best Work on Emigration”.

His work Agli contains poems and songs in German, Italian, Swiss German , Sicilian and was also published in the United States. The poems from Agli were set to music by composers Martin Derungs ( Auf nach Narragonien , op. 79, 2002), Alfred Schweizer, Jean-Marie Geiser, Lukas Vogelsang, Yno Miraglia and Nino Rossano , among others . Thanks to Agli , Marretta won three literary gold medals (National Literature Prize Guido Modena in San Felice del Panaro, Modena (1977) and Valente Faustini in Piacenza (1977 and 1978), awarded by Gianluigi Beccaria from the University of Turin ).

Almost at the same time, he and Luisella Marretta wrote the bestseller Das Spaghetti Book with drawings by the Swiss cartoonist Ted Scapa, which was also published in Dutch ( Het complete Spaghetti Boek ). This was followed by other works, including a. the short guessing stories Pronto, commissario? , Volumes 1 and 2 and Elementary, commissario .

In 2004, Marretta was awarded the first prize of Agrigentini in the world . Two years later, the guessing thriller La commissaria and Nuovi casi per la commissaria (both with audio book ) followed, which are read as school texts in more than 20 countries.

Together with the writer Daniel Himmelberger, he wrote the crime thriller Death Knows No Limits , which was also published as an audio book with the voice of the actor Thomas Wingrich .

On behalf of the Goethe-Institut and the University of Palermo, the documentary film Tracce Scritte was shot in Italian and German in 2006 about the genesis of the 2008 crime thriller The Last Journey to Palermo .


  • Piccoli italiani in Svizzera. Francke, Bern 1968. 4th supplemented edition: Cosmo Iannone, Isernia 2008.
  • Olives don't grow in the north. Benteli, Bern 1970.
  • Vocabulary for Piccoli italiani in Svizzera. Carosello and Haupt, Bern 1980.
  • Vocaboulaire pour Piccoli italiani in Svizzera. Carosello and Haupt, Bern 1980.
  • Popò Tatà Pipì. Stories. Lugano 1970.
    • Popò Tatà Pipì. 2nd edition under the title Le doppie verità. Book, Bologna and Carosello, Bern 1989.
  • Popò Tatà Pipì. German translation under the title Sicily, on the Autobahn into antiquity. With drawings by Alex Zürcher, Bern 1995.
  • Il paese finiva alla stazione / At the end there was the train station. Bilingual edition (Italian and German), Benteli, Bern 1977.
  • 50 years Casa d'Italia Berna, con foto d'epoca - 50 years Casa d'Italia Bern, with photos from earlier times. (Italian and German.) Special edition Casa d'Italia, Bern 1987.
  • Catalogo degli scrittori di lingua italiana in Svizzera / Catalog of Italian-speaking writers in Switzerland / Catalog des ecrivains de langue italienne en Suisse. Bern 1991.
  • Colori, forme e poetry. Omaggio della città di Ribera / Homage of the city of Ribera (Agrigento) to / a Saro Marretta. Antologia di liriche, Ribera (Agrigento) 2003.
  • Ciao Sicilia, ciao Berna - Bern greets Sicily, Sicily greets Bern. (Antologia con testi di autori di Berna a cura di Saro Marretta - An anthology in Italian and German with texts by Bernese authors), foreword by Andrea Camilleri . Massimo Lombardo editore, Agrigento 2004.
  • Agli, poems and songs in German, Italian, Swiss German, Sicilian. Bern 1982.
    • Translation into English: Agli, Forham University, New York (USA), 2009.

Settings from the collection of poems "Agli"

  • Yno Miraglia canta Saraccio. Longplay and cassette, German Gold Records 11174, Dübendorf (CH), 1982.
  • Mi domando, Canta Yno Miraglia. Longplay, Exit 45114 Viteka Ag, Dübendorf (CH), 1983.
  • Canzoni della Sicilia. New edition of Agli in CD, MA 80009 and cassette LC 800009, Dübendorf (CH), 1991.
  • Martin Derungs : On to Narragonia , op.79, suite for orchestra ( - - Pke, Schlgz - Str (min. 6,5,4,4,3) ) and children's choir. 2002.
  • Abbassare il capo, primo, Abbassare il capo, secondo composizioni ambisoniche di / ambisonic band pieces by Lukas Vogelsang, Alfred Schweizer and Jean-Marie Geiser (with drawings by Eugen Bachmann). Switzerland 2008.
  • Colori senza colori. CD from Agli, in Italian eyes. Vat III production (732 - 603-9144) 28 fishel road, - tenore Nino Rossano, Edison NJ-08820, USA 2008.

Short guessing thrillers in Italian

  • Allegro Svizzero. Carosello and Haupt, Bern 1976.
  • La barzellettissima. With vocabulary in German and French. Carosello and Haupt, Bern 1976.
  • La spaghettissima. With vocabulary in German and French. Carosello and Haupt, Bern 1977.
  • Chi è l'assassino? 18 gialle quiz con soluzioni - 18 guessing thrillers with solutions and vocabulary in German and French. Carosello and Haupt, Bern, 3rd edition 1982.
  • Pronto, commissario? Volume 1. 16 gialle quiz con soluzioni - 16 guessing thrillers with solutions. Bonacci, Rome and Klett, Stuttgart 1997.
  • Pronto, commissario? Volume 2. 16 gialle quiz con soluzioni - 16 guessing mysteries with solutions. Bonacci, Rome and Klett, Stuttgart 1997.
  • Elementary, commissario! 8 gialle quiz con soluzioni - 8 guessing thrillers with solutions. Bonacci, Rom and Klett, Stuttgart, 1997, 2002.
  • La commissaria. With audio book. 12 gialle quiz con soluzioni - 12 guessing mysteries with solutions. Alma, Florence and Hueber, 85737 Ismaning D, 2006.
  • Nuovi casi per la commissaria. With audio book - 10 gialle quiz con soluzioni - 10 guessing thrillers with solutions. Alma, Florence and Hueber, Ismaning 2006.

Crime novels - written with Daniel Himmelberger

  • Death knows no boundaries (La morte non conosce confini). Pendragon, Bielefeld, 2006.
    • Death knows no borders. Audio book read by Thomas Wingrich, Radioropa, Daun 2008.
    • Death knows no borders . dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS, Stuttgart 2017 (E-Book)
  • The last trip to Palermo (L'ultimo viaggio a Palermo). Pendragon, Bielefeld D, 2008.
    • The last trip to Palermo. dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS, Stuttgart 2017 (E-Book)
  • Trace steps. Film in German and Italian about the genesis of the 2008 crime thriller The Last Journey to Palermo. (Pendragon, Bielefeld.)
  • Death knows no borders. dp Digital Publishers, Stuttgart 2017 (e-book)

Culinary - written together with Luisa Marretta

  • The spaghetti book. With cartoons by Scapa, Benteli, Bern 1973.
    • Het complete Spaghetti Boek. Uitgeverij Luithingh, Laren NH 1973.
  • The pizza book. With cartoons by Scapa. Benteli, Bern 1974.
  • The corn book. With cartoons by Scapa. Benteli, Bern 1975.
  • The breakfast book. With cartoons by Scapa. Benteli, Bern 1976.
  • Spaghetti and pizza. Double volume with cartoons by Scapa, Benteli, Bern, 1978.

Participation in anthologies (selection)

  • Il pane degli altri. Rolf Mäder, short stories. Haupt, Bern 1972.
  • The family on the closet. Children's stories. Anrich, Neunkirchen, Odelwald 1975.
  • Mutz. Stories. Bern Writers Association, Bern 1989.
  • Lamellimelo. Stories, in French. Stor Ag, Bern 1990.
  • Bern Yearbook 1992. Essay. Benteli, Bern 1992.
  • Pictures in my head. Poems. Publishing Institute for Teaching Aids, Zurich 1995.
  • Scrittori allo specchio, trent'anni di testimonianze letterarie italiane in Svizzera. Giovanna Meyer Sabino, Vibo Valentia 1997.
  • Bern texts. Narrative. Author publishers, Bern 2002.
  • Colori, forme e poetry. Poems. Pro Loco Ribera, Ribera (Agrigento) 2003.

Secondary literature on the works of Saro Marretta

  • Luisa Schär: The fate of emigrants with us. In: Der Bund, Bern (June 6, 1969)
  • Hangoy, Per: Fremmdpolitiet bor have. In: Ekstra Bladet, Copenhagen (November 5, 1970)
  • Rolf Mäder: Italian literature for emigrants in Switzerland. In: The Tagblatt am Sonntag, Bern (February 12, 1972)
  • Erich Armin: Cookbook - authors invite you to the table. Airport restaurant, Zurich, 1982.
  • Erwin Koch: Committed to the senses. In: The Swiss Observer, Glattbrugg (April 15, 1983)
  • Jean-Jacques Marchand (ed.): La letteratura dell'emigrazione. Gli scrittori di lingua italiana nel mondo. Fondazione Agnelli, Torino, 1991.
  • Jean-Jacques Marchand: Gli spazi delle diversità, atti del convegno internazionale, Vol. II. Bulzoni, Rome a. Leven university Press, 1993.
  • Marziano Guglielmetti, Jean-Jacques Marchand: Quaderni italo-svizzeri, Scrittori e scriventi italiani. Université de Lausanne, 1996.
  • Giovanna Meyer: Scrittori allo specchio. Vibo Valentia, 1997.
  • Peter Peter: Literary discoveries in the land where the devil took his wife. In: Sizilien , Klett – Cotta, Stuttgart 1997.
  • B. Neuenschwander: L'immigrazione siciliana in Svizzera (original tedesco), Lavoro di maturità al liceo scientifico di Kirchenfeld (Berna). Primo premio dell'istituto per un lavoro di maturità, Bern 2000.
  • The century of the Italians in Switzerland. Orell Füssli, Zurich, 2003.
    • Italian: Gli Italiani in Svizzera , Casagrande, Bellinzona, 2004.
  • Sulla collaborazione di Guido Calgari ETH Zurich con Saro Marretta , Matteo Notari, Gli intellettuali ticinesi nella società in cambiamento, Guido Calgari e la difesa dell'italianità - tesi di laurea all'università di Friborgo (CH), 2006.
  • Paola Carcano: Italiani all'Estero, lavoro di dottorato per l'università di Losanna. Faculté de lettres, Piccoli italiani in Svizzera di Saraccio, Isernia (I), 2008.
  • Raffaele De Nuccio: Tempo della rottura, tempo della dialettica, tempo della progettualità nella letteratura dell'immigrazione italiana in Svizzera. Lavoro di dottorato per l'università di Losanna, faculté de lettres su Il paese finiva alla stazione di Saro Marretta, Pellegrini editore, Cosenza, 2008.
  • Livia Puglisi: bilingual and multilingualism. Italo-German authors and their languages, contenuto e analisi dell'opera / Content and analysis of the work Piccoli italiani in Svizzera (olives do not grow in the north). Diploma thesis, University of Vienna, 2011.


  • Carlo Goldoni National Prize for Literature in Venice (1971) for the work Piccoli italiani in Svizzera .
  • ASLA Associazione Siciliana per le Lettere e le Arti - Premio della Presidenza del consiglio dei Ministri per la cultura - Premio Decennale di Benemerito della Cultura, Palermo, 1975.
  • Premio di poesia dialettale Valente Faustini in Piacenza for the volume of poems Agli (gold medal 1977 and 1978), national literature prize
  • Premio nazionale di letteratura Pogliano Milanese , Milano, 1977, National Prize for Literature
  • Gold medal - Medaglia d'oro Poesia dialettale Guido Modena in San Felice del Panaro, Modena, 1977.
  • Premio internazionale di lettere, arti, scienze Villa Alessandra , diploma e grande medaglia, Alanno, 1977.
  • Primo Premio letterario città di Novara , premio speciale per la narrativa, 1977.
  • National Prize for Literature for the best story - Premio Letterario Mede (Pavia), premio speciale sezione narrativa, 1977.
  • Premio Letterario nazionale “P. Borgognoni ” , Premio dei commercianti per la narrativa, 1979.
  • Agrigentini in the world (festa del mandorlo in fiore), premio alla carriera, Agrigento, 2004.
  • Primo Premio Internazionale Emigrazione (Pratola Peligna - University of L'Aquila, 2008) for the best work on emigration: Piccoli italiani in Svizzera.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lexicon of Swiss Authors. Retrieved January 29, 2017 .

Web links