Satoshi Fukushima

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Satoshi Fukushima ( Japanese 福島 聡 , Fukushima Satoshi ; born August 24, 1969 in Gunma Prefecture , Japan ) is a Japanese manga artist .

With the short story Hakoniwa Ōji ( 箱 庭 王子 ) he won the Afternoon Shiki-shō in 1990 , the young talent award of the manga magazine Afternoon . Although two other awards for promoting young talent followed - in 1992 the Chiba Tetsuya-shō of the Kōdansha publishing house and 1999 the Shinjin Comic Taishō of the Shōgakukan publishing house - he only began to publish series in 2000. His first was titled Day Dream Believer and was first published as a sequel in Morning magazine, and later in two anthologies.

Fukushima has been working for Enterbrain publishing house since 2001 , especially for its alternative manga magazine, Comic Beam . In this he brought out the series Shonen Shojo ( 少年 少女 , Shōnen Shōjo ) from 2001 to 2004 , which has a volume of about 1,000 pages in four anthologies and consists of unrelated short stories. For this manga, the illustrator was nominated for the 2004 Osamu Tezuka Culture Prize.

After he had published the two single volumes 6-banme no Sekai ( 6 番 目 の 世界 ) and Soratobu Aoi ( 空 飛 ぶ ア オ イ ) as well as the two-volume Day Dream Believer Again at Enterbrain in 2003 and 2004 , he began another series for Comic Beam , Kidō Ryodan Hachifuku Kami ( 機動 旅 団 八 福神 ), on which he continues to work. This is his longest work to date.

His work has been translated into French and German.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry on Anime News Network (English)